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spawnflagger says...

yeah, something seems... "off".
My guess is it was staged.
like why didn't the person filming it just stay with her on that corner?
or the chances of 3 babies all being asleep and not crying while being hauled around in the Nevada afternoon or being put into minivan?
Also (@2:44) that car seat didn't have the seat belt going *over* the seat (obviously she didn't have a seat-base with her, and the "samaritan" wouldn't have had a matching base) so the only way to belt an infant car seat is to go up over the baby's legs (the seat has notches for that purpose)

So maybe a better video title would be "Aspiring Actress with 3 Car Seats Helps YouTuber Harvest Likes and Views"

Half-Life 2: 20th Anniversary Documentary

spawnflagger says...

This makes me want to go back and play HL2 Episodes 1 & 2. I know I bought them, but don't remember ever finishing them. HL2 was so technically impressive. Portal 2 was also great, especially the co-op multiplayer. Alyx is a good VR title- it's close to a "killer app" for VR, but not quite there. 1 of the few VR titles compelling enough to keep headset on for more than 1 hour.

Not half-life related, but "old but cool" PC tech from that era: I had a DVD/MPEG2 decoder card that did VGA passthrough, and would replace black pixels with the movie content - so I could watch the Matrix in the background of playing Quake or other FPS (this was a dual PIII-450Mhz). I later installed an ATSC tuner card - one of the first channels that broadcast in HD was Fox, and one of my favorite shows, 24, started to broadcast in HD - and the early days all the makeup artists took advantage of low-res, so as soon as the show went to HD, you could see how fake all the blood, makeup, and other effects were. Hollywood ramped up quickly once the first HDTVs started shipping.
That computer also ran BeOS quite well.

Police Hold Woman In Fire Ant Bed On Purpose

WOW! Rope Knot Trick

spawnflagger says...

this is fine when the rope is short (as shown) but if it were any reasonable length it would be a PITA to pull the whole rope through the loop twice.

Judge REMOVED For "Systemic Incompetence.

Chip Strut

Chip Strut

Jay Leno long interview by Piers Morgan

Rapid Fire Jokes You'll Never See Coming

AFC (Asian Furry Confederation) Cup

spawnflagger says...

soccer. FIFAs asian branch- each country participating has an animal mascot, but the CGI promo is beyond my comprehension...

newtboy said:

What the hell is this about?
Is it a sports competition, costume contest, furry convention, a symposium discussing the moral and biological implications of chimeric human beings? WHAT!?

16-year-old girl chases horse on highway

AFC (Asian Furry Confederation) Cup

Red Bull Party Run

spawnflagger says...

At first I thought it was filmed by a skier as well, but once they got the bigger jumps I assumed it was actually a drone. Or just clever editing between multiple shots and not a single continuous shot. Either way, impressive result.

Hi Ren! No words for how moving this song is.

Tesla Demo of Tesla Bot GEN 2

spawnflagger says...

IANAL but I think internal prototype names can be anything - it's only if they bring it to market that there could be some chance of consumer "confusion".
I'm still waiting to see the lawsuit from Microsoft, who has owned the "X" trademark for many years.
Also, Elon has been promising such a robot for years - at least it's not a human in a robot costume this time... but could easily be CG. I'll believe it when I see some 3rd party people putting it through its paces. (yes, I was skeptical of the Boston Dynamics videos as well until they let others in to film)

newtboy said:

I hope Hasbro and Takara Tomy and Paramount and Dreamworks made them pay through the nose for using their IP, but my guess is Elon just did it without permission.
I can find no press release or documentation that Tesla bought the rights to Bumblebee or Optimus Prime or any transformers robots. Looks like theft.

Hasbro and Takara Tomy and Paramount should sue the pants off of him for blatantly stealing their IP for advertising purposes.

Fuck you Elon, you’re a thief and a liar.

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