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What an Amazing Kid - Heartwarming

Black Betty Offroad Racing 2021 Don River Dash

What if Akira Was Animated At 60 Frames Per Second

spawnflagger says...

I think it looks worse. Part of "cinematic" experience is the traditional 24fps of films. Many TVs have a setting (motion interpolation - which seems to be ON by default nowadays) that creates a "soap opera effect", and I personally hate it. Some friends like it though, so everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Looks like several movies were released in high frame rate, but I remember The Hobbit (2012)'s 48fps actually caused some movie-goers to vomit.

Dad Builds Halloween Candy Guarding Monsdoor

spawnflagger says...

some questions... 1) why can't the door open? 2) how does he give out candy through the door?

I've hung 2 doors as part of a DIY project last year, 1 was standard width door kit that came with a frame (still have to trim the bottom to get correct height), other door was full custom. Both were a PITA for their own reasons. I don't think such a "halloween door" kit will ever be commercially sold.

Try to leave Home Depot without checking out...

spawnflagger jokingly says...

Those wheel-locking carts have been used elsewhere too, but I doubt they'll have such locks on the flatbed or lumber carts. I bet you could just ask them to put a $459 toilet on a cart for you, and then ask a different person to help load it into your van/truck.
Or, if you really wanted to steal something (small), just put it in an orange 5 gallon bucket.

I'm not condoning theft. I've also wondered why it's totally OK to have bouncers at bars/clubs, but not at retailers?

Viral transmission not tested in Pfizer trials

spawnflagger says...

Just because transmissibility-reduction-effectiveness wasn't studied before the (emergency use authorization) release of the vaccine doesn't mean that it wasn't also (somewhat) effective at doing that, but just became known after-the-fact because of a much larger "study" (the general population).
The point of the pre-release studies was to determine how effective it was at preventing severe-disease and hospitalization, and those were the numbers evaluated for the EUA decision (at least in USA)
I don't know who this politician is, but seems to be trying hard to create scandal and controversy. And sure, he did uncover a lie by government officials, sort of (preventing yourself from getting sick to the point of shedding less virus does help others around you too), if they made those statements and marketing materials before such data existed to back it up.
Maybe pfizer did make those claims before the EU rollout? That wasn't shown or discussed in this video, even though it would have helped his argument by presenting that.

Certainly I agree that the phrase "speed of science" is content-less, because the scientific method doesn't define speed. The time-to-marketable-solution might be a better measurement, and that largely depends on how much money you throw at a problem.

13 Year Old Boy Identifies As A Dog Toy

Trump Signed Order-Immediately Withdraw Afghanistan Troops

spawnflagger says...

There's got to be more to this story...
Obviously the ordered withdrawal didn't happen in November/December 2020- so, was the order rescinded by Trump after being talked out of it? or the generals/Pentagon just ignored the order?

Job training failure at Alaskan Salmon Cannery

spawnflagger says...

There's a few startups in South Korea working on this now, with promising results. Apparently the regulations in the US make it very difficult to do that kind of startup.

makach said:

I'll be first in line the moment we figure out how to grow proteins and carbs in laboratories.

Walleye Tournament Cheaters Got Busted! Clear video

spawnflagger says...

I didn't think it was possible, but looked it up (found this) and modern metal detectors can detect lead.
So there's really little reason the tournament judges weren't running a metal detector over every fish.
(a x-ray would be more definitive, but way more expensive and can't be battery powered)

robdot said:

The biggest wtf here is that they haven’t been checking these fish all this time?

Guy in VR Chat Talks About Their PTSD

spawnflagger says...

Can't judge without knowing more details, but I'll give him benefit of the doubt and assume the women and children were unintended casualties or bystanders, perhaps from long range attack or grenades thrown blindly. "military precision" is a dumb phrase because there have been so many civilian casualties (estimates > 500k in Iraq)

Guy in VR Chat Talks About Their PTSD

David Blaine Freaks Jimmy Out

spawnflagger says...

But the 5 cards were from the middle of the deck, not the bottom.

noims said:

... I suspect he just knew the order of the last 5 cards in everyone's deck. So long as their cut isn't in those last 5 he can force them. Everyone then picks the fourth, and they've all got the same card. ...

David Blaine Freaks Jimmy Out

spawnflagger says...

ok, I get the frog thing (other magicians have done that). and the whole box of nails were trick nails (Jimmy didn't have a magnet or pour water in the bowl), but I don't understand how they got the entire audience to end up with the same card?
at least 1 would have not followed the instructions correctly...
could be the whole deck was activated by body heat (to change to 5 of hearts), hence the pocket or sitting on it?
Notice Jimmy put in his outer jacket pocket and didn't have it on the whole time - maybe that's why David didn't ask him to look at it at the end?

Lets play... WIll. THIS. BURN?!

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