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Anti-Gay Senator comes out: "I Am Gay"

kagenin says...

>> ^jbaber:
For those living outside the US and/or California, this guy's a California state senator. He's not one of the hundred men in the US Senate who make votes at the federal level. He votes on California laws exclusively.

And as a California State lawmaker, he's had ample opportunity to stand up against fear, bigotry, intolerance, and hatred.

Instead, he catered to the fear, bigotry, intolerance and hatred of his constituency.

He is a disgusting excuse for a man, much like the people who voted for him.

Anti-Gay Senator comes out: "I Am Gay"

kagenin says...

I still think back to when Mike Huffington came out of the closet (wayyy back when no one had anything nice to say about his wife... man, how things have changed...)

To think that he would be only one of many, many more like him. Ashburn won't be the last, either. This kind of self-degrading behavior, shamelessly degrading exactly what you are for votes in a hick district, who bought it all ... I dunno what's more sad, him or his constituency...

GOP:Banning Mechanical Restraints on Kids "Gubmint Takeover"

Anti-Gay Senator comes out: "I Am Gay"

kagenin says...

I can only hope that the lie that this fuckwad has been living has eaten a hole in his stomach. Every day should be a painful reminder that he is a hypocrite of the most epic magnitudes.

Anti-Gay Senator comes out: "I Am Gay"

Chiropractic/bullshit vs. Science Based Medicine/reality

kagenin says...

>> ^fjules:
What the hell is chiropractic?

Chiropractic work involves joint manipulation, often to noisy results. A "Spinal Adjustment" accounts for a majority of Chiropractic practice visits. In California, at least, a Chiropractor needs just about as much training as a doctor in any other field to obtain a licence.

I'm currently training to be a massage therapist, and chiropractic adjustments are outside the scope of my future practice. I can stretch someone's arm through a reasonable range of motions, but ultimately, I'm not aiming to make a joint produce a loud *POP* that is associated with chiropractic work.

I release trigger points. That can be painful, but there's a mountain of scientific data backing up trigger point therapy. Trigger points were first described, and their existence proven, back in the 1950s. "Knots" in muscular fiber fall into a state of constant contraction. Electrically, they behave differently from normal muscle tissue. I'd say a lot of people should probably be going to a massage therapist for chronic muscle and joint pain more than they should go to a chiropractor.

Tom Hanks is Smarter than Morning Joe

Seth MacFarlane Responds to Sarah Palin on Real Time

kagenin says...

>> ^TangledThorns:
>> ^KnivesOut:
>> ^TangledThorns:
Seth Macfarlane is a closet homosexual who hates breeders like Sarah Palin but to go after her through her child is pretty low. Would he of made the same joke if she didn't have a down syndrome child?
This is another reason why America dislikes the mean spirited Left.

Seth said nothing disparaging about Down's Syndrome, or about Trig. The character in the sketch is a girl, but Sarah Palin doesn't actually have a daughter with Down's Syndrome.

Are that obtuse or are you just faking it? I suspect it's the latter.

We're either "Bleeding heart liberals" or we're the "mean spirited left."

I'm beginning to think TT is either retarded or delusional.

Rachel Maddow 2/22/10 - Ignorance Revives Discrimination

Rachel Maddow on Anthony Weiner and Health Care

kagenin says...

Medicine and Capitalism DO NOT MIX. How hard is this for people to understand? Capitalism is great, except when human health and well being are involved. Health care should never be a "for profit" system at all.

Call me extremist, socialist, whatever. Pure capitalism fails for the exact same reason Pure communism fails - Human Greed.

John McCain the Anti-Birther

Vids I think are cool, but cannot post myself. (History Talk Post)

interview - PETER CHUNG-chronicles of riddick dark fury

Martin Yan, Vegetable Slicing and Chopping Techniques, pt 2

TYT - Ron Paul Wins Straw Poll - Why?

kagenin says...

It's well documented (in another video) that at no point during the Republican primary was McCain ever more popular than Ron Paul was. Google Analytics pretty much proved it.

Ron Paul represents what the Republican party *SHOULD* be. I have a lot of respect for the guy, and I find a lot of common ground with his platform - it seemed a hell of a lot more reasonable and well thought out than anything McCain put forward. The problem lies in his own party.

I've said it before, I really wish the big contest was between Kucinich and Paul....

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