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If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts
How ridiculous. There is no excuse for widespread drug addiction in society. To insinuate that it is not society's responsibility to maintain a drug free culture, that it is somehow natural to procure an addiction to drugs in preposterous.
There is a very viable excuse for cancer, that is, it is a naturally occurring affliction. It is preventable in some cases, mitigable in others, but overall, it is unavoidable for those who develop it.
This video is an insult to anyone of reasonable intelligence, it is an insult to those inflicted with cancer, and is an injustice to those in society battling drug abuse epidemics in major cities across the globe.
Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement
@bareboards2 Ma'am, I apologize both for the factually untrue statement, which I made without keeping with proper English debate/conversation etiquette, and also for assuming a gender for you title without proper evaluation.
To make clear my position, as I believe many, if not all of you here (@PlayhousePals @newtboy @Januari @bareboards2) mistake my position and/or personal political siding...
Firstly, I DO NOT like Trump, his policies, his manner, his monomaniacal bent towards the topics he figures are worth his time to address, not much of anything, actually.
Secondly, yes, I am conservative, and for a young male in British society, this leaves me at rather an odd way with those of an opposing political bent, particularly those of the Liberal/Progressive variety(Liberal less so, as it is an off-take of Libertarianism). I believe that effectually bending society over backwards to meet the stresses of a brave new world is a brash and undeveloped concept. I believe the perfect society is a logical one, where all that are able are held to an advantageously high level of acumen, education, etiquette, state of public dress, etc. I do not believe in the idea of "Utopia", as basic human psychology(which I have the equivalent of the american bachelors degree in) denies the facet of a cohesive human culture/society.
Thirdly, I arrive in support of Trump not out of a liking for him or his policy, but an awareness of what the enaction of his policies would bring. This awareness is spawned by the awareness of the state of the American Political Establishment, as is governed by people with power beyond reckoning, the face of which happens to be Hillary Clinton. Trump's policies, if allowed to be implemented, would cause such as rift in the political establishment/climate, as well as the hearts and minds of the American people, as to bring about change.
So, in effect, I support Trump for the very reason many of you don't, the Chaos that would almost inevitably ensue. A chaos that would likely go unnoticed, as such shifts occur without common knowledge...
Or... You could vote for a woman who has on more occasions than is accountable, broken Federal Law, covered up her husband's brutalization of women, and God knows what else, and only manages to escape prison because she is one of the sharpest tools the totalitarian American political establishment has...
Whoa. Hyberbole much?
Beheading hundreds of thousands? That is factually untrue.
So. At this point, I need to bow out of this back and forth. This isn't a serious conversation.
And that's "ma'am", by the way. This photo is of my father, who died last year. I like this photo. It makes me smile.
Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement
The persecution of others to the exclusion of all but the primary religion is a tact shared with many major religions, and yes, Christianity has left its scorching mark upon humanity as a terrifying blot.
However, it is not, on this day, nor in these recent years, the acts of Christians, or Catholics that most burns a hole in our hearts and minds. Indeed, it is the acts of Radical Islamism, which is no more than a literal taking of their Koran brought to life by hate and malice.
And no, Islam is not a religion of peace, neither is Christainity-based religions for that matter. It is a matter of choice, and now, it is the choice of these Muslims, being great in number at this point in the Human Timeline, to continue the exploitation and caging of Women as sex slaves, to behead hundreds of thousands in the name of their God, and to spread their holy war to every corner of the globe until all is ruled by Islam.
That is fact, sir, as they(ISIS) have stated, as they show their brand of religion to state, as they act, and chose to carry forth action.
Sir, yes, all religions have committed to horrible deeds, but, it is always the purview of those of us that realize this to deny the growth of violence-via-religion, and now, in this day and age, that primary religion which we must stop from continuing violence is radicalized Islam.
So you do now see why I thought you were calling him an immigrant? It certainly reads that way. Glad to know you didn't mean it.
As for killing gays in the name of Allah -- turns out not so much, now that reporting and information gathering has had time to happen.
A man who lives in America, being told on all sides that being gay is an abomination and sinful -- by some Christians, Muslims, good lord how many different sources -- who hangs out in gay bars in what pit of self-loathing because of the messages he received during his life....
A perfect case of internalized homophobia. Do a google search to find out how many of the most virulently anti-gay people turn out to actually be gay.
When this first happened, my first thought was to go up those who say gay people are sinners, take them by their lapels, look them in their eyes and say, "The blood of these people is on your hands. Your attacks on the humanity of these people who were made as God made them, have led to this horrific event."
So a hint back at you -- it isn't just sharia law that led to this. It is old fashioned religious bigotry and fear of the "other" -- very few religions are free from this crap. Certainly not Christianity. Westboro Baptist Church ring a bell?
Donald Trump is unfit for the office of the Presidency of the United States of America. This is a fact.
Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement
Same here, naturally, all politicians have some skeletons hiding somewhere, but some have more than most...
Ugh. I want to disagree so much, but in light of the email scandals, breech of trust, bribery, wall street speeches, corporatist super pac, vote suppression, and election fraud, I don't have much to go on.
And on the note of vote suppression and election fraud: there is mounting evidence that those are the two qualities that most enabled Hillary to snare her victory for the 'democratic' nomination.
Obama Talks About His Blackberry and Compromise
In answer to @Januari : Never, that was my point...

Pre-humankind, certainly.
Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement
I never said he was an immigrant, nor made any claim as to such, and I certainly did not mean to allude to such, I apologize for any misleading commentary I posted.
However, on a note which I meant to strike in my original comment, what was the religion of said disturbed man? What was his allegiance? What law did he uphold when he ruthlessly murdered those people in the name of Allah?
Hint: it wasn't any of your American Laws, and the name of the code of laws he followed starts with an S... The same law and religion and practices that immigrants from those countries are coming to your country and mine with...
The disturbed man whose ex-wife says had something wrong with him, deeply wrong with him, was born in America.
He was an American.
The fact that you think he was an immigrant puts all your comments into perspective.
You don't know what you are talking about.
Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement
The birthplace of said assailant/asshat makes any difference to his/their disposition?
Firstly, I accidentally upvoted this comment [oopsie]
And ... fun fact ... The ASSHAT, I mean, ASSAILANT was born in New York ... same as the ASSHAT Drumpf!
10 Video Game Bosses We didnt want to kill
Ahhhh, yes, The Final Fantasy Series was amazing!
Not exactly a boss, and not strictly killed by "us" as the player, but I remember reloading Final Fantasy 7 to just before Aeris/Aerith gets killed and refusing to press the button to advance the cutscene.
Obama Talks About His Blackberry and Compromise
Dear God, I must agree with @radx, how can he say that when women are still kept as sex slaves? Or people are still worked to death? Or there is still war? What the hell?! Look at the bloody state of Europe right now, or perhaps Britain?! Or America for that matter, a radical Muslim just killed 50 members of the LGBT community!!!!!
And the world is BETTER?!
ugh, politicians...
"[the] world is actually healthier, wealthier, better educated, more tolerant, less violent than it has ever been."
Not in places like Afghanistan, Libya, Jemen, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Lebanon, downtown Chicago, Detroit or Cleveland. Not in Greece. And I'm not entirely sure it's a better place for the hundreds of millions of Chinese who left their rural areas to become work nomads. Also not sure about the all the millions of people in Africa whose livelihood gets crushed by subsidised produce/corn from the West. Not sure about all the Indian farmers who are driven into suicide by the monopoly powers of seed suppliers. Not sure about India as a whole, now suffering from the third year in a row of a belated monsoon and horrific drought.
"Democracy means you don't everything you want, when you want it, all the time" ... "and occasionally comprise, and stay principled, but recognise that it's a long march towards progress"
He talks the talk, but even for a center-right guy, he doesn't walk the walk. Principles went out the window in Gitmo. Principles went out the window when the drivers behind the illegal war of aggression in Iraq were not prosecuted in accordance with the Nuremberg Principles. Principles went out the window when carpet surveillance pissed all over the Constitution. Principles went out the window when US military forces aid Al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria just because they oppose Assad. Even mentioning principles in the face of the gruesome, drone-driven terror campaigns in at least half a dozen countries makes me want to vomit.
And don't get me started on compromise. If you ban single-payer and drop the public option before negotiations begin, that's not compromise. That's theatre meant to mislead us plebs while you add an additional layer of "market" to an already dysfunctional market, which ends up profiting the insurance companies yet again.
Pixar created its most complex character for 'Finding Dory'
Ouch, burned a power point, that's going to smart...
Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, June 13th, 2016 4:57am PDT - promote requested by Syntaxed.
Pixar created its most complex character for 'Finding Dory'
Brings a smile to my face to see a continuation of a charming cartoon classic(Finding Nemo)...*promote
Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement
So, firstly, I must agree with @ChaosEngine, a commencement speech is no place for political commentary. A commencement speech's purpose is to allow one who has paved a complex path through life and come out on top, or one who has overcome something great, (and) has a important lesson for those less-learned to share their knowledge, that it may be used for good.
(God that sentence is long, let me catch my virtual breath...)
Next, why, if he is to provide political commentary during a commencement speech, as so many do nowadays, does he slam Trump?
Anybody? Is it his hair? Is it his puffy little face? Is it because he looks like a pumpkin? No? Perhaps its because he is a disaster waiting to happen, because that seems to be the general sentiment from many people who are allowed to speak their minds en-masse nowadays...
But how is Trump worse than Clinton? Hmmm? Perhaps there are buried rape cases THAT WERE MADE PUBLIC BTW, in Trump's past? No?
Perhaps making billions of dollars FROM ONE MILLION is just inherently evil? Hmmm, no?
Okay, that Hairdo, it must burn a hole in the Ozone layer wherever he walks... Or flames must flower at his feet, as lotus flowers did for the Buddha? NO?
Perhaps he was wrong about the people that you blokes are letting into the country? Yes? Then how come one of them, (whom you could never tell is a radical, HE HAD A WIFE AND CHILD), just killed 50 members of the LGBT community in the horrible massacre in Orlando?(which was so bad we are getting news coverage of it in LONDON)
Hmmm, maybe electing someone who actually admits there is a problem, destroying political correctness, and being damned with the "established order" which supposedly keeps you Americans safe isnt such a bad idea...
Maybe electing a Woman with a hideous blot of a record, and a long standing member of said establishment is one such bad idea...
YouTube Video channels or persons that "Grind Your Gears" (Internet Talk Post)
Just, Leafy...
Always seems to put an insufferably hideous bent to everything he comments on. Not to mention his general lack of respect for anyone or anything, and his "I can say anything I want because its the internet and no-one is going to do anything about it" attitude towards commentary.
Other than that, the internet is quite a lovely place, just take the Sift for example:)
Atlas, The New Generation
Here we go...
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