WAKE UP! Snoozedoctor goes Gold!

Finally, VideoSift's resident anesthesiologist goes Gold. Yes, he is a certified gas passer, but not the same as Gunny, who uses his "skill" to clear the chow hall. Seriously, I cannot tell you how long I've been waiting for this to happen, because this guy always finds some of the coolest finger-picking music on the web.

Snoozey used to be a rock and roller, but in typical slacker fashion he went to medical school to become a practitioner of the healing arts in order to support his lackadaisical life of fishing and guitar picking. I still remember his first sift, and the cerebral discussion that Mycroft, rottenseed, looris, Sarzy, JAPR, choggie, calvados and I had about the musical merits of this song.

So give it up for snoozedoctor! The next round of sevoflurane is on me!

EDIT: Okay, cheesemoo is a party-pooper by declaring one of his videos dead. (Just kidding, cheddarcow.) However I already sent snoozey the link to fix this, so he's still Gold in my book. Hey, there's a remote chance that he might save your life some day, so don't be rude.
cheesemoo says...

Wow, snoozedoctor must have been a sleeper hit! I don't think I've seen any of his videos or comments... ever! Something which I will rectify now.

Anyway, congratulations!

You can kill me for the terrible pun now.

choggie says...

*huffs nitrous balloon
Whooo hooo...ooooooo blrghrgrrlrggrhglhglhglhglhghhh....
Now kronosposeiden, what I want you to do, is try counting backwards from 543...542...541....9ssssssssssssvssnn

blankfist says...

I can't spread @$$ GRAV33 on someone I've never seen on here before. Get to commenting, snoozie! Okay, okay, I'll spread some on him. But, only a teaspoon size!!

Congrats, snoozedoctor! Here's your teaspoon of @$$ Gr@v33.

Now that I have commented on here, everyone else's comments shall seem small in comparison.

snoozedoctor says...

Thank you, you lovely bastards, (Kronos's verbiage, not mine). I am, in fact, a rock'n'roller who grew tired of starving, a converted finger-picker and hopeless fish-head who dreams, at least every other night, of casting a dry fly to a brown trout the size of my leg, and a political conservative, (contrary to the drift of the Sift), but one who, instead of thinking he's always right, knows he's always right. There's an important difference there. So, when I do comment, don't try to refute it, unless you're my wife. In her eyes, I have only two faults, everything I say and everything I do.

So, I'll keep posting my lovely acoustic guitar videos, so I can continue to fill my P-queue. I'll continue to rain realism on your idealistic world views. And, I'll........Yes honey, I'll get off the computer now so you can play solitaire. I'll be back. Beware.

snoozedoctor says...

critttter is on to something here. I always liken snoozedoctorin' to airline piloting. When at altitude and on autopilot, you hope you have an interesting copilot to talk to, an attendant that can get you a drink every now and then, and a fairly recent issue of Sports Illustrated, preferably the swimsuit edition.
But, occasionally the take-offs and landings scare the s*** out of you.
There are other upsides to administering the vapor; you get to fiddle with high tech toys, poke needles into body cavities, and, when appropriate and necessary, you get to point out to the surgeon that, although they may fancy themselves to be the most important and interesting person in the solar system, they are, in fact, a frigging arsehole.

>> ^critttter:
I always wondered what snoozedocs did when someone was under...I mean, they can't just be sitting there watching that monitor blip...OOOhhh, that's where the snoozin' comes in!

snoozedoctor says...

Oh, I forgot to tell Choggie that I really do have them count backwards. I put the mask on and say, "take a few deep breaths as I start the medicine in your IV. Now, I want you to count backwards from a 100......by thirteens."

They go...87......uhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzzz.

Farhad2000 says...

Congrats some really great music sifts...

My dad is a snooze doctor by profession as well. Eveyday he gets near to killing someone in order to save them. Then brings his job home and sleeps like a sedated bear

jonny says...

Late again. I need to catch up - make mine a benzodiazepine with a sodium amytal chaser, please.

wtg snoozer. now you can mock the surgeons' bling with some of your own.

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