fizziks says...

I have to agree with DFT on this one... I mean, Farhad's message I can kinda understand since he is the King of Cartoons... err.. Videos... and has a cool crown, but why do people need to "break up" with the Sift?

Just visit when you feel like... if you don't feel like it, don't visit... no one's making you post or vote...

blankfist says...

Screw that! I'm leaving, but I'm making ruckus on the way out, and not you or that hat wearing cat can stop me! BWAH-HAW-HAW!

P.S. DFT was drunk when he wrote this sift talk post. Boy, imagine the egg on his face when he wakes up tomorrow and realizes what an insightful and cogent drunk he is.

laura says...

you know, I feel the need to say something to those people who are leaving "because of this or that"... And those who have a problem with it.

I'll try to keep it short.

I believe that these days, the internet has become integral in the lives of a lot of people in the "modern world". Why? Because we are either so f-ing busy, so isolated, or so socially intimidated by the crazy world out there that we don't get as much human interaction as we historically have as people.

The internet allows us to fulfill a basic social need, but in a unique way. How so? It's on our own time. It's not like being in a group of people working and living together where anyone might approach you at any time in any given "mood" you might be in, from which base you would then interact with them. It is a choice, which makes the social interaction not only more concentrated, but makes it more important.

I hope this makes sense here.

Speaking personally, I noticed a higher ratio of intelligent to mundane people here on Videosift, so I stuck around. I could elaborate, but the bottom line is that I live a rather isolated life and I needed to know where I "fit in" socially these days, and whether I would be accepted should I represent myself in cyber space (which I believe, if a person is transparent, is a good representation of their core being). I put myself out there in my tastes in videos, comments, and votes within the relatively safe environment that is the sift...and I found out a good deal about myself. It transformed me in a good way. Very simple.

Videosift has been a nice tool for me socially.

It is probably the same for anyone here, whether they realize it or not. As such, people don’t need tools forever. A job gets done, or one moves on. For those reasons, I don’t think VideoSift has too many people (we’re all different, thank goodness), too many cat videos, or too many serious videos. I think things here, just as they do in the universe itself, tend to balance out naturally and ebb and flow. I appreciate diversity and I appreciate choice. I appreciate all the people who bring those things to me. So if someone wants to go, let them go. Let them return if they need it. Let them not. Let them express gratitude for the experience, or let them dissappear…

“Live and let die”, my friends.


dystopianfuturetoday says...

^lol blankfist. We still haven't had that drink yet. How is your first week of August?

Schmawy, Frankie (aka Timmy) is doing well. He and Isobel are best buds after only a few weeks. He is a brave little kitty. You should see how he pounces on Isobel (who is about 4x bigger). His little leg is getting stronger too. He can run and climb very easily now, but he can't jump very far (usually to humorous effect).

schmawy says...

Yes, they have a lot of convictions in what videos they post, but no, I don't think they think it's all s%&t. Most of Farhad's posts are in the 15-30 vote range I think, of somewhat limited appeal to the masses (I can sympathise), so getting a thousand of them through the siftpipes is an amazing feat.

I don't want to speak too much on the King's behalf, but he described the dawn of the Sift as a much purer place than it is now. Like that great little bistro that suddenly you couldn't get a reservation at. It was in a sense his personal gallery I think. There's a thread that runs through most of his stuff. I think that the idea is to recapture that original joy.

LadyDeath says...

Agree with the comments here I guess Some People Dont want To Understand the purpose of this website,I mean That Is why the down vote button is there if You dont like then down vote who cares about many cats or dogs videos are here..this is turning so ridiculous..This is "Suppose" to be a "friendly" Community, Hell does not look like one to me sometimes...Great Post For Those who want to say bye to the sift in here....and cry..

swampgirl says...

>> ^kronosposeidon:
>> ^schmawy:
Funny that this is the kind of drama that led to the in the first place.

I thought it was because our videos were shit (to them). Seriously.

HA, so funny. You DID see my name there didn't ya? And I'm the Cheese Shatner Queen baby! They can't be all that high minded if they let me in

bamdrew says...

I thought farhad was just sharing his discontent, and prophesizing that the sift will go the way of other less genuinely quality video sites as more crap is sifted through.

My complaint was that he didn't provide a possible solution... increase votes required for sifts? Log scale the values? Give free shirts to super-posters?

swampgirl says...

Oh and Laura..well said ^

This place is a huge success and tons of fun. If it's not your thing anymore, if its getting in the way of projects that need doing?... get out there and do what you gotta do.

Come winter and you're stuck in, bored and burned out from dealing w/ the one-on-one might wonder back for some fun on your own terms.


swampgirl says...

Bamdrew that's just it, there IS no solution because there is no problem really. The site is working perfectly. Its design is successful. It has a life of its own in a way and evolved. It's just BIG.

(Note on the votes. Yes, the queue escape is low IMO. It should be at 15 votes to escape...but thats a WHOLE other thread )

swampgirl says...

Yeah Kronos? I need to get out of the Vintage channel more often.. I've not noticed as many cats as that.

Hey, what can I say? People like cats. The votes decided. People happy, people coming. Success. I the kids, forward some to friends and relatives and done.

Now I stroll over to a place like VC and get my snob on where you get to look at videos *I* say are best for you

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^bamdrew:
My complaint was that he didn't provide a possible solution... increase votes required for sifts? Log scale the values? Give free shirts to super-posters?

I thought this was covered in my post but I guess I need to clarify, the reason I didn't provide solutions is because I believe the system is very well set now.

The solutions I believe would require a extreme change in the way the sift operates, restrictions that would not sit will with either the administration or the people who are currently on this site.

Furthermore there hasn't been many examples of a set systems making drastic 180 degree changes. The system as it is works, essentially for what it wants to do, though I wouldn't say its quality videos so much as as popular videos that make the cut now. Quality and popularity don't always go hand in hand, though there are occasions.

Who am I to really dictate what it should or shouldn't be, it was made by the community and it is thus defined by what the community as a whole wants.

The site is good, I think too many misinterpret what I meant, I didn't say "this sucks KTHXBYE", but essentially it lost that essential quality for me as a user, that Schwamy summed up well:

I think that the idea is to recapture that original joy.

dystopianfuturetoday says...

This post wasn't really aimed at you, Farhad. Your farewell was eloquent and respectful, and after all the years you have spent here, you've certainly earned the right to say whatever you like.

I would just like to see the GBCW posts kept to a bare minimum.

iwastheturkey says...

man. I've been gone for months now with out providing a reason/compliant. Since I left without registering my GBCW note with the proper management, I would like to post my IBSS (I'm back sift-suckas!) note here.

It was me, not you.
I'm sorry I hurt you, and that I took the cat with me.. and the car.. and the blockbuster card.
I still have feelings for you. Do you think we could try again?
I'll try to be more emotionally available this time...

there, there. it's all over now. I'm here for you. :*)

legacy0100 says...

I'm still in the lower positions, STILL struggling to get my 100th star point. And it won't be awhile till I start concerning myself with problems like 'I achieved everything here. I'm getting bored with videosift, and I need more.' type of stuff.

Farhad was the top user of Videosift in regards to star points. Obviously he figured out the system and it works out for him. It's natural for him to find new challenges.

Perhaps it's a serious question that admins should look into. But to their defense, such occasion is not so common since not everybody manipulates the system as well as few top rankers like farhad. So such problems (i.e. lack of challenge & progress for the top dogs) has never been issued here before.

So perhaps if you wait a bit more and lurk around, there will be a day when the admins of Videosift would come up with a reasonable solution for top dogs to partake in neat little group activities or little niches, find ways to make it cozy and tight and introduce more ways to challenge one's self and reward their contributions to the community.

BOTTOM LINE: You don't have to be as active as before. But still lurk around for awhile, let your voice be heard, and see what happens.

Irishman says...

Lack of challenge and progess for the top dogs?
What is this, World of Warcraft?

I don't care about points
or an avatar
or stars
or upvotes or downvotes
I just post and watch videos and occasionally start a ruck in the comments.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the site or its mechanics. You're all just getting a little bit egocentric.

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