If You Should be Receiving Emails, but Aren't...
Upon further investigation after continuing reports of missing emails, it appears we moved into an IP address block that had previously been blacklisted by lots and lots of email reputation authorities.
Since there is likely no way to remove all our IPs from all such authorities, we're probably going to have to acquire a new block of IP addresses that aren't blacklisted.
We'll do this as soon as possible and there should be no down time in the process.
So, if you're one of the unfortunate victims of this mess, please hang in there and we should be past this relatively soon. We apologize for the stupid interruption in quality Sift service.
(I never before considered that we'd need to investigate our new IP addresses, but lesson learned.)
We appear to have resolved our email issues, however you still might want to check your spam folder just in case they are still landing there for you. (I found lots in mine.)

Upon further investigation after continuing reports of missing emails, it appears we moved into an IP address block that had previously been blacklisted by lots and lots of email reputation authorities.
Since there is likely no way to remove all our IPs from all such authorities, we're probably going to have to acquire a new block of IP addresses that aren't blacklisted.

So, if you're one of the unfortunate victims of this mess, please hang in there and we should be past this relatively soon. We apologize for the stupid interruption in quality Sift service.
(I never before considered that we'd need to investigate our new IP addresses, but lesson learned.)
We appear to have resolved our email issues, however you still might want to check your spam folder just in case they are still landing there for you. (I found lots in mine.)
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