Crazy neighbors and taking your dog out
I know, once again I am overreacting to things, but for God's sake, I am just sick and tired of some people in my neighborhood.
The thing is, obviously we have some people who do not pick up after their dog and leave the poop out there. I have 2 German Shepherds. They make big poops. I have ALWAYS picked up after them.
Still, I have been yelled at. Sometimes pepole drive past, roll down their window and yell 'pick up your shit!' when my poor dog is trying to pee. She's a female, she squats down when she pees! Obviously 9 out of 10 people in my area can't tell the difference between dog peeing and pooping. I have had people running AFTER me saying 'did your dog poop in my yard????' I tell them 'NO' and even try to show that I have a little thingy on my leash that holds poop bad that I use in case my poor dog poops.
My older dog refuses to do her before bedtime pee on the back yard. So, I take her out to the front, usually just walk around for a few minutes and get her to pee. Mission accomplished.
Tonight was more fun than ever. I took her out, to a different cul-de-sac sidewalk, I usually walk next to the 'main' road. She pees, I am happy, turn around and head home. I hear some teenagers whooping, but think they arer just yelling at each other.
Well, turns out that the kids that my dog pooped when she squated, and they told that to the lady who lives at the corner of the cul-de-sac and the main road, pretty much opposite to my house. My doorbell rings, and I go answer, and she is already running away from my house, yelling at me that I let my dog poo at her sidewalk. Not stopping, just running and yelling.
Excuse me?! I try to tell her that no, my dog only peed, but she is already inside her house. Great. I go yell at the kids because I am already quite ticked off! I ask if they told the lady my dog pooped. They said 'yes'. OK, great! I yell some more about my dog being female and just squatting down for 3 second to pee. Ask them to go tell the lady they only saw the squatting. Of course they refuse.
I try to go to the ladys house and talk to her, explain that I have poo bags with me and my dog didn't poo, and if she had, I would have cleaned. She won't answer the door. I ring the doorbell some more abd knock on the door too. No answer. Great, after all, she came to my door first, yelled at me for nothing and now she is not talking to me. I try a few more times, I get her yelling at the kitchen window, telling me to get the 'fuck away from my house' and so on. Lots of nice things. Oh, and she is calling the cops.
NetRunner drags me away, but I am sorry, I feel like I have done nothing wrong, I get yelled at and can't even talk to the lady. Stupid, yes, but I go back and try to talk to her. I mean, she lives right next to my house, and obviously she got totally crazy. I was getting scared maybe she is crazy enough to go poison my dogs because she thinks I am letting them poo on her lawn. OK, I know that is a bit much, but I love my dogs to the death, and I want to make sure nobody attacs them.
After about 4 rings she comes back yelling at me some more from the upstairs windows and she is calling the cops again. Great, now I am public enemy #1 because I just want to talk to her. I finally managed to get a word in between, the 'crazy bitch', 'fuck off' and 'stop ringing my doorbell'. She calmed down a little, and I was at least able to explain to her that I didn't do anything she accused me of. She keeps telling me that 'she has witnesses' .. OK, witnesses who what? see my dog squatting down and think she is pooping? See me walking my dog? Or see a rottweiler as big as my dog pooping? I know there is a guy with a rottweiler who walks him and does not clean up. She even says 'Oh, I have witnesses seeing you come out and let her poo at 6 every day'. OK, excuse me, I take my dog for her nightly pee between 8 and 9pm, not 6, NEVER at 6! Are you telling me there is another blonde with a German Shepherd pooping at your sidealk at 6? Or is it just another big dog? Or is it me letting my dog pee AFTER 8!?
I do not know.. All I know is that I have never not picked up after my dogs. This nice lady managed to get the cops come over and rings my doorbell. I talked with them, they were fine, one of them just suggested that I might want to leave an apology for the lady's mailbox the next day!
Yeah right?! I am getting accused of things I didn't do! She rings my doorbell and yells at me, but won't answer her door, and she calls the cops on me! I don't think I am the one who needs to apologize!
Sorry, just needed to vent.. But I am really upset about this.. I told the lady I will not walk my dogs anywhere near her house any more, then nobody would mistake a pee for a poop. But does that even matter?? If she has 'witnesses' and she has decided it is my dog who has done the random poos (and I wanted her to go see her lawn tonight, to realize there is no fresh poop there, but she chose to barricade to her house instead), is there anything I can do? I can keep my dogs in the backyard, never take them anywhere near her yard, and still her 'witnesses' might tell her 'oh, it was a big dog, it probaby was the blond lady.'
I am just so sick and tired of people yelling at me for not cleaning up, when I am definitely always cleaning up after my dogs! I am so sick of them thinking my dog peeing means she is pooping, and I am sick and tired of being told I am a liar!
I will try to walk my dogs now very early in tne morning, and after dark, nowhere near the crazy people. Maybe they will catch the real culprit. Do I expect an apolody from the crazy lady when she finds out who actually did it? No, I do not. Why would she bother. I amust be just dumb bimbo who walks her dogs near people's houses.. It sucks! I frigging told her I can take a DNA test for the poops. I am willing to pay, if it stop the false claims and yelling. She wasn't interested.
How can you convince somebody you are telling the truth? I mean, it isn't a big thing, just dog poop, and I didn't do it. Yeah, a small thing, but of course she managed to upset me.. I have never had anybody call me crazy bitch and tell me to get the fuck off. Thankdfully she didn't have a riffle..
Oh well, I guess I was asking for it.. Silly me for wanting to talk and clear things out.
The thing is, obviously we have some people who do not pick up after their dog and leave the poop out there. I have 2 German Shepherds. They make big poops. I have ALWAYS picked up after them.
Still, I have been yelled at. Sometimes pepole drive past, roll down their window and yell 'pick up your shit!' when my poor dog is trying to pee. She's a female, she squats down when she pees! Obviously 9 out of 10 people in my area can't tell the difference between dog peeing and pooping. I have had people running AFTER me saying 'did your dog poop in my yard????' I tell them 'NO' and even try to show that I have a little thingy on my leash that holds poop bad that I use in case my poor dog poops.
My older dog refuses to do her before bedtime pee on the back yard. So, I take her out to the front, usually just walk around for a few minutes and get her to pee. Mission accomplished.
Tonight was more fun than ever. I took her out, to a different cul-de-sac sidewalk, I usually walk next to the 'main' road. She pees, I am happy, turn around and head home. I hear some teenagers whooping, but think they arer just yelling at each other.
Well, turns out that the kids that my dog pooped when she squated, and they told that to the lady who lives at the corner of the cul-de-sac and the main road, pretty much opposite to my house. My doorbell rings, and I go answer, and she is already running away from my house, yelling at me that I let my dog poo at her sidewalk. Not stopping, just running and yelling.
Excuse me?! I try to tell her that no, my dog only peed, but she is already inside her house. Great. I go yell at the kids because I am already quite ticked off! I ask if they told the lady my dog pooped. They said 'yes'. OK, great! I yell some more about my dog being female and just squatting down for 3 second to pee. Ask them to go tell the lady they only saw the squatting. Of course they refuse.
I try to go to the ladys house and talk to her, explain that I have poo bags with me and my dog didn't poo, and if she had, I would have cleaned. She won't answer the door. I ring the doorbell some more abd knock on the door too. No answer. Great, after all, she came to my door first, yelled at me for nothing and now she is not talking to me. I try a few more times, I get her yelling at the kitchen window, telling me to get the 'fuck away from my house' and so on. Lots of nice things. Oh, and she is calling the cops.
NetRunner drags me away, but I am sorry, I feel like I have done nothing wrong, I get yelled at and can't even talk to the lady. Stupid, yes, but I go back and try to talk to her. I mean, she lives right next to my house, and obviously she got totally crazy. I was getting scared maybe she is crazy enough to go poison my dogs because she thinks I am letting them poo on her lawn. OK, I know that is a bit much, but I love my dogs to the death, and I want to make sure nobody attacs them.
After about 4 rings she comes back yelling at me some more from the upstairs windows and she is calling the cops again. Great, now I am public enemy #1 because I just want to talk to her. I finally managed to get a word in between, the 'crazy bitch', 'fuck off' and 'stop ringing my doorbell'. She calmed down a little, and I was at least able to explain to her that I didn't do anything she accused me of. She keeps telling me that 'she has witnesses' .. OK, witnesses who what? see my dog squatting down and think she is pooping? See me walking my dog? Or see a rottweiler as big as my dog pooping? I know there is a guy with a rottweiler who walks him and does not clean up. She even says 'Oh, I have witnesses seeing you come out and let her poo at 6 every day'. OK, excuse me, I take my dog for her nightly pee between 8 and 9pm, not 6, NEVER at 6! Are you telling me there is another blonde with a German Shepherd pooping at your sidealk at 6? Or is it just another big dog? Or is it me letting my dog pee AFTER 8!?
I do not know.. All I know is that I have never not picked up after my dogs. This nice lady managed to get the cops come over and rings my doorbell. I talked with them, they were fine, one of them just suggested that I might want to leave an apology for the lady's mailbox the next day!
Yeah right?! I am getting accused of things I didn't do! She rings my doorbell and yells at me, but won't answer her door, and she calls the cops on me! I don't think I am the one who needs to apologize!
Sorry, just needed to vent.. But I am really upset about this.. I told the lady I will not walk my dogs anywhere near her house any more, then nobody would mistake a pee for a poop. But does that even matter?? If she has 'witnesses' and she has decided it is my dog who has done the random poos (and I wanted her to go see her lawn tonight, to realize there is no fresh poop there, but she chose to barricade to her house instead), is there anything I can do? I can keep my dogs in the backyard, never take them anywhere near her yard, and still her 'witnesses' might tell her 'oh, it was a big dog, it probaby was the blond lady.'
I am just so sick and tired of people yelling at me for not cleaning up, when I am definitely always cleaning up after my dogs! I am so sick of them thinking my dog peeing means she is pooping, and I am sick and tired of being told I am a liar!
I will try to walk my dogs now very early in tne morning, and after dark, nowhere near the crazy people. Maybe they will catch the real culprit. Do I expect an apolody from the crazy lady when she finds out who actually did it? No, I do not. Why would she bother. I amust be just dumb bimbo who walks her dogs near people's houses.. It sucks! I frigging told her I can take a DNA test for the poops. I am willing to pay, if it stop the false claims and yelling. She wasn't interested.
How can you convince somebody you are telling the truth? I mean, it isn't a big thing, just dog poop, and I didn't do it. Yeah, a small thing, but of course she managed to upset me.. I have never had anybody call me crazy bitch and tell me to get the fuck off. Thankdfully she didn't have a riffle..
Oh well, I guess I was asking for it.. Silly me for wanting to talk and clear things out.
Pepper her lawn with Snickers bars on a hot afternoon when she goes out to run an errand.
Better yet, just save all the poo and then dump it in the bushes so it smells and she can't see where it's coming from.
Yeah, if I were you, I'd deliberately start having my dog shit in her yard. Or I'd shit in her yard myself <_<

I don't know what kind of honest solution to offer you. They obviously are incapable of listening and sound like they would escalate it to crazy levels, as they already did by calling the police over feces. I would have issued some kind of citation for wasting police resources..
If you are interested in doing little things like salting her flower beds, I can help you come up with that sort of thing. That's all I got
I wouldn't knock on her door anymore or even try to mend bridges. No point with psycho neighbors.
No matter what kind of person you are, someone will think you're a raging asshole. You can't get occupied with those people or you'll spend a lot of time being miserable.
She probably just needs a friend. Bake her a cake.
... with some dog shit in it.
You are a victom of apathetic and almost defiantly inconsiderate dog owners. I have (directly) seen so many people not pick up poop; and abuse the parks in my neighborhood, that I reflexively think the worst when I see behavior that may imply dog shenanigans.
@mintbbb Any retaliation will only escalate the problem with the crazies (I hope the comments above are jokes).

xxovercastxx is absolutely correct and I hope that by venting your anger here you are able to move on with your life, which I hope is a happy one.
@mintbbb I hope you take the above with a grain of salt, thats what a pussy says. Take it to the next level and reap your rewards.
Always clean up after my dog. It irks the hell out of me when people around here don't. And yeah if anyone ever accused me I'd probably keep taking my dog back to their yard each and every time he had to shit or piss.
Urine actually leaves nasty brown spots in grass overtime. Jus' sayin'.
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
People don't seem to know how to communicate these days. Her running up to your door, yelling her piece and then running away is pretty common run-of-the-mill nutty neighbour behaviour.
I'd write her a polite letter and lay everything out.
Thanks for your replies, seroius or not
I feel better now, after a few days. I have to say the night after the encounter was pretty much sleepless because everything that happened and was said and maybe should have said kept popping in my head.
I should have know that this lady would freak out. She charged after me the last time I walked past her lawn. And back then I explained to her that I ALWAYS pick up after my dog, and she calmed down. I though she understood. But obviously she has issues. And now, I do remmeber that one night not too many months ago, I went to sleep and woke up pretty soon afterwards because I heard lots of car doors being slammed shut. And there were about 6 police cars on the street in front of my house. And 2 or 3 right in front of her house. Obviously nothing was wrong, since I saw the cops just chatting with each other and having a 'block party'. But now I remembered that I saw a few cops come out of her house, with her, and they were all talking. After mebbe 20 minutes of this excitement of nothing happening, but having half the city's police come over, all the cops left. But obviously she had called them and God knows why.
I will not have anything to do with her. I will not take my dog anywhere near her house, I will not try to explain myself more. I did nothing wrong, and she was the one who did all the yelling and overreacting. If I ever talk to this lady again, it is because she realizes she was wrong and comes to apologize (yeah, right). Or she will keep harrassing me for an imaginary dog poop, in which case I will probaby end up suing her for harrassment.
Next house we get, it will be FAR away from all the neighbors!
Feeling your pain... upstairs neighbor is a narcissistic asshole with no communication skills... just yells something mixed with bits of profanity and then slams the door and refused to discuss the situation.
He used to be a lawyer, too... running theory is his anger issues got him disbarred in some way.
Only happens maybe once a month, but fucked up enough that I'm looking around at other places.
I hear you!! I'm in the same situation as you. I have a neighbor that keeps blaming me for not picking up my dog poop when I ALWAYS pick it up. In fact my dog never poops at her house I just pass by i don't know what to do to convince her that is not me. I got so mad that i told her to F*&* off and leave me alone because she keeps coming to my house.
I had the same thing and even worse. people yelled at me for my dog peeing in their front yard and their front yard are full of rocks....... there are 3 household yelled at me for my dog peeing already....i dont even know what can I ...... I am terrified to walk my dog in my neighborhood now..............
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