New channel!
Well I got my second choice for a new channel. Conspiracy!
Another subject dear to my heart. I'm kind of a consiracy nut so it's fitting I have a channel on the subject.
Anyway, Conspiracy videos will include the following subject matter:
1. The act of conspiring.
2. An evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. A combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: "He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government".
4. Law. An agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. Any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.
A lot of vids should fit one or more of these definitions, so I expect to see a lot of vids in my chanel. Now get posting Sift addicts!:))
I'll re-post the comment I just left on your profile:
I'm excited for this channel. With a specific section for these types of videos, they will get more attention, and thus hopefully provoke many more fascinating, significant discussions! I applaud your choice of channel, Duckman, and I will certainly make a point of sifting some quality videos to add to the collection.
A good video to check out for conspiranoobies: The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis
Not a video, but I just saw this today, and Conspiracy is the perfect channel for it. Alongside Fail
It seems that instead of blocking what goes on in your head from evil government brain-reading gizmos, wearing aluminium-foil hats actually increase the signal strength.
>> ^EndAll:
Hopefully he'll come back soon.
I'll re-post the comment I just left on your profile:
I'm excited for this channel. With a specific section for these types of videos, they will get more attention, and thus hopefully provoke many more fascinating, significant discussions! I applaud your choice of channel, Duckman, and I will certainly make a point of sifting some quality videos to add to the collection.
A good video to check out for conspiranoobies: The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis
Man i really miss CP. Wish he was still around.
Move along, nothing to see here. This channel does not exist. We were never here...
>> ^Duckman33:
>> ^EndAll:
I'll re-post the comment I just left on your profile:
I'm excited for this channel. With a specific section for these types of videos, they will get more attention, and thus hopefully provoke many more fascinating, significant discussions! I applaud your choice of channel, Duckman, and I will certainly make a point of sifting some quality videos to add to the collection.
A good video to check out for conspiranoobies: The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis
Man i really miss CP. Wish he was still around. Hopefully he'll come back soon.
Yeah. He pops up from time to time, though.
So..., Are you in league with the government?
Are you planning to scan our comments so you can gage if we are a threat or not?
Man, I'm not liking this, I'll be scared to make comments now....
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