ted cruz schooled by NASA chief

NASA chief, Charles Bolden, schools Ted Cruz on the importance of NASA.

So he wants to reduce the 'looking at earth' funding...because it reveals how fucked we are with regard to global warming?

Just a guess....im presuming this guy is a climate change denying nutbag.


We need to ADD money to NASA funding, not take it away. Cut back on some war machinery and fund our getting off this planet.


So...criticize the agency for improving success rates, streamlining and reducing budgets, introducing private industry to reduce costs and meeting agressive timelines. Good thinking budget minded politician!

Earth sciences budget increased 41%? What percentage of the total budget is it now? Is it now larger than the money allocated for space exploration or is it still a small percentage of the total NASA pie? Not a misleading chart at all. Of course, charts is book learnin' and learnin' is what them elitist socialist do!

Go home to Canada senator, you're a tool.


Yes, of course Cruz is a climate denying nutbag and that is what this is REALLY about, despite his rhetoric.
Not the total schooling I was hoping for, but Bolden made a great point, if I may paraphrase him:

Yes, NASA is about space exploration, but we can't explore space without a launchpad. Earth is our launchpad.

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