richest family in america should not be on welfare

capitalism sounds like a fantastic economic way to go,maybe we could try it some day.

Many of the "richest families in America" got to be that way because their businesses received subsidies and/or other crony favors. This is an undesirable situation for anyone (besides the cronies and politicians/bureaucrats, themselves). It's better to have wealthy families that are "wealthy" because their businesses deliver quality and service, not because they happen to be cronies.

Businesses that subsist because of cronyism (like the countries' largest banks, for example) should, in fact, collapse... Like GM should have collapsed back in 2008.

And all state subsidies should end.


Do any Americans still believe that America is a democracy?

Serious question. It's very obviously run by the money for the money, I can't imagine anyone being able to argue otherwise and keep a straight face.

The actual term for this is a plutocracy. Are Americans just so jaded by it all that they don't care, or do they really not realise?


Plutocratic Republic?


Do any Americans still believe that America is a democracy?

Serious question. It's very obviously run by the money for the money, I can't imagine anyone being able to argue otherwise and keep a straight face.

The actual term for this is a plutocracy. Are Americans just so jaded by it all that they don't care, or do they really not realise?

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