bronx man beaten and arrested on video for no charge

news report about a non-violent, unarmed man searched, arrested, beaten, then later released because there was no crime committed (except resisting arrest...but only 'resisting' an admitted 'arrest for nothing')

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, September 8th, 2014 4:29pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter newtboy.


I know one thing...if a cop wanted to slap cuffs on me, I'd let him do it.

When you resist, you risk getting hurt.

If you don't like the charge, fight it in court.

The cops who backed up these females knew primarily, one thing, which was that this guy was resisting arrest, so they used force.

Getting arrested is not a negotiation...the arrestee does not control the circumstances, the cops do.

(cue newty painting all cops around the world with ---------- fill in the blank)


How about if a Fed made some shit up, accosted you, manhandled you, and arrested you for contempt of fed with no original charge? ...or better, how about a citizen group making a citizens arrest on you...for a lie, lets say they saw you walk past a park and arrest you for exposing yourself to children and trying to kidnap one...even though you just walked past, the entire group beating you into submission (even after you submit to arrest) and solidifying their planned lie in front of you. From your previous comments here, I can't fathom that now you would simply allow yourself to be railroaded by liars who are arresting you without cause.
Now about 'fight it in court', lets assume you're fired and ostracized for the arrest, and no longer hold 'clout' with the court as an officer, so the feds/citizens lies are believed and you just go to jail for ....well, who knows?
That's what you're suggesting people do, just let yourself be abused and put in jail based on a lie you can't contradict (after you get out of the hospital, perhaps for months or years before court, it's not fast, and maybe jail for life afterwards) because insisting a cop actually follow the law is stupid and dangerous.
Once again you don't think things through.
Thanks for being so predictable.
Oh, and to make you feel better, I'll paint nearly all cops in the world with 'liar' colored paint, it's part of your training to lie to 'suspects'.


I know one thing...if a cop wanted to slap cuffs on me, I'd let him do it.

When you resist, you risk getting hurt.

If you don't like the charge, fight it in court.

The cops who backed up these females knew primarily, one thing, which was that this guy was resisting arrest, so they used force.

Getting arrested is not a negotiation...the arrestee does not control the circumstances, the cops do.

(cue newty painting all cops around the world with ---------- fill in the blank)


No other comment...I'll take that as concession that I'm right about all that. Thanks

OK, lets discuss the video then.
If there had been no video, what do you think would have happened to this poor 'suspect'? I say he might not be seen again, at least for decades. He was on probation/parole (the cops didn't know that), accosted over nothing, searched for nothing (with nothing found on him), arrested for nothing, beaten mercilessly for nothing with deadly objects and pepper sprayed while prone on the ground with cops on his back, then charged with assault on a police officer (obvious lie) and resisting arrest (another obvious lie, there was no resistance, only compliance that wasn't fast enough for the gang of thugs...I mean cops...and absolutely no reason ever given for the original arrest they claim he resisted in the first place). Without the video, he would be in jail for the next few months (minimum) awaiting trial where he would then have to dispute the multiple officers lies (claiming he assaulted and resisted). Who would the courts believe, 6-8 cops or one felon? I think we all know the unfortunate answer to that question. Sadly, because people like me are honest enough to admit we can't believe a word that a cop says (you're all trained to lie in the performance of your duties, and once a liar always a liar) I never serve on a criminal jury, leaving only jurors that will believe cops and liars on juries....which is not a good outcome.

It's easy to say 'just fight it in court' when you are part of a group that is considered 'truthful' by courts, contrary to all evidence. Single private citizens contradicting numerous officers (lies) without video proof that the cops are lying have no chance in court. You know this.

EDIT: there are requirements for arrest, requirements that cops ignore constantly or fabricate, as in this case.


I thought we were discussing the video.

Vivid imagination, though.


That's the problem with this practice which is becoming more and more commonplace:

You *must* accept getting handcuffed and detained for doing absolutely nothing wrong OR you are handcuffed and arrested and beaten for not accepting it.

Those are not the civil rights granted to the people of this country by its founders and our constitution. You should not be forced under suspicion of NOTHING and with ZERO explanation to be handcuffed and detained or else expect to be beaten and arrested.

Even if they happened to be familiar with the guy and knew that he was on parole and were in their rights to search him without cause, they certainly shouldn't have had any cause to handcuff him for just sitting there doing nothing.

They're effectively just manufacturing a reason to arrest (and beat) him. It almost seems like the logic is "This guy is doing nothing wrong, but I bet he will resist (aka. ask my why he's) being handcuffed, so I'm going to get him to resist so I have a reason to arrest him."


The vast majority of people never have contact with police officers.

The vast majority of people who HAVE contact with police officers are treated civilly and go on with their lives.

The vast majority of people know that you don't give a bunch of shit to police officers. If you do, you take a chance on an outcome that won't make you happy.

The vast majority of people who are arrested on a weekly basis know that they will pay a small fine, or do a couple of days in jail, and take it as a cost of doing business.

A small number of police contacts end up with someone being treated for a bruise or cut, or a loose tooth, or pepper spray in the eyes.

A small number of police contacts end up dead and the vast majority of them instigated the violence.

You people expect cops to act perfectly, have the negotiating skills of Henry Kissinger, the compassion of Mother Theresa and the patience of Job, the martial skill of a UFC fighter, and the targeting skill of Annie Oakley, when what you should be doing is looking at your own behavior and seeing how that leads to your own fate.


Oh! I'm sorry, I thought we were discussing the video. LOL!
Predictable 'officers are always right, even when they're wrong, and you should simply allow then to screw you hard and dry and hope for the best in court' mentality and suggestions, though.
Cops are trained on how to act. They ignore that training, or abuse it, to act improperly.

EDIT: I would disagree. I believe that the majority of people have official police contact at least one point in their life, either as suspects or victims.
It depends on your definition of 'civilly'. Most police contact is legally proper, that doesn't mean the cop acts civilly. From experience, when they think you've been criminal or non-compliant, police civility goes right out the window and the inappropriate violent threats, name calling, and angry cursing starts instantly, before the 'suspect' has a chance to react at all. That's why I was pulled out of my car at gunpoint and thrown violently to the ground by a screaming cursing officer when he misread my license plate and thought my car was stolen.

Yes, the vast majority of police contact is done properly....just as the vast majority of contact with murderers, rapists, thieves, and child molesters is done with proper conduct. That does not excuse it when they act improperly, just as the previous good conduct doesn't excuse a murder/rape/theft/molestation later. Duh.
Yes, most people know that if you don't cow tow to cops, kiss their ass, and allow them to violate you in whatever way they like, they'll further abuse their power to fuck you hard and you'll pay the price. (I learned that lesson, 'respect authority even when it's wrong or you pay the price', at 4 years old when my dad closed fist punched me across the room for saying 'NO', but being a learning experience didn't make his actions acceptable by any means). Funny how you turn violent abuse of power and violation of civil rights into 'won't make you happy' and assign the blame to the victims of abuse for not being subservient enough. It's a bit more than 'won't make you happy', dude.
It's not a 'small number' of contacts that end up with abuse and/or murder, it may be a 'small' percentage, but once is once too many, thousands of times per year is unacceptable by any reckoning. How can you ignore that? It's unconscionable. It's also near 100% of the time that the 'blue wall' closes in around the offending cops and protects them, so that makes you ALL accessories after the fact. You also know this well.
This guy could easily have ended up dead, he did not instigate or even participate in the violence. He was incredibly lucky his buildings security system caught the incident or he would be in prison for years to come, based on cops lies and abuse.
'We people' expect cops to act according to the laws they swore to uphold. We expect them to follow procedure and work to de-escalate violence, not to go rogue and act violently as a first resort, especially true when there's been no crime committed.
This guys behavior, sitting unarmed, without contraband, calmly and quietly, led to his fate, beaten and arrested over nothing at all, (for asking why he was searched in the first place, or contempt of cop, neither being a crime) and charged with serious felonies based on cop's lies. You once again put the blame on the victim, because it can't possibly be the cops acting improperly in your myopic viewpoint, even when it's on video. Fortunately it's a tiny minority viewpoint not held by many.


The vast majority of people never have contact with police officers.

The vast majority of people who HAVE contact with police officers are treated civilly and go on with their lives.

The vast majority of people know that you don't give a bunch of shit to police officers. If you do, you take a chance on an outcome that won't make you happy.

The vast majority of people who are arrested on a weekly basis know that they will pay a small fine, or do a couple of days in jail, and take it as a cost of doing business.

A small number of police contacts end up with someone being treated for a bruise or cut, or a loose tooth, or pepper spray in the eyes.

A small number of police contacts end up dead and the vast majority of them instigated the violence.

You people expect cops to act perfectly, have the negotiating skills of Henry Kissinger, the compassion of Mother Theresa and the patience of Job, the martial skill of a UFC fighter, and the targeting skill of Annie Oakley, when what you should be doing is looking at your own behavior and seeing how that leads to your own fate.


Police are just people - they can't be perfect! We need to offset their incompetency by demanding that people be perfectly docile to them! You instantly shift the onus onto the subject without even thinking about it you poor hard-boiled, institutionalised, dangerous old bugger.

So in other words, police get paid the same amount for an easier job and we shift the responsibility of the problem (which you seem to accept exists, albeit you see it as a problem with people not having a tendency to go limp when physically attacked by strangers) to anyone who aren't the police.

Might i recommend a career in shepherding where absolutely no thought needs to go into the mindset and wishes of the sheep?


You people expect cops to act perfectly, have the negotiating skills of Henry Kissinger, the compassion of Mother Theresa and the patience of Job, the martial skill of a UFC fighter, and the targeting skill of Annie Oakley, when what you should be doing is looking at your own behavior and seeing how that leads to your own fate.




That's the problem with this practice which is becoming more and more commonplace:

You *must* accept getting handcuffed and detained for doing absolutely nothing wrong OR you are handcuffed and arrested and beaten for not accepting it.

Those are not the civil rights granted to the people of this country by its founders and our constitution. You should not be forced under suspicion of NOTHING and with ZERO explanation to be handcuffed and detained or else expect to be beaten and arrested.

Even if they happened to be familiar with the guy and knew that he was on parole and were in their rights to search him without cause, they certainly shouldn't have had any cause to handcuff him for just sitting there doing nothing.

They're effectively just manufacturing a reason to arrest (and beat) him. It almost seems like the logic is "This guy is doing nothing wrong, but I bet he will resist (aka. ask my why he's) being handcuffed, so I'm going to get him to resist so I have a reason to arrest him."


First, regarding your statement and this video, it's not a matter of "that cop should act perfectly." It's more that the officer had no reason to handcuff a guy who is not a threat has already been searched and is sitting there doing nothing.

But in general, the bigger problem is not with this specific cop's actions; it's that this kind of behavior is indicative of a systematic problem in law enforcement and society's lack of concern for how their abuse of power is not being kept in check. It's becoming more and more acceptable for police to separate individuals from their civil rights and with less and less reason, motivation, or consequences.

The explanation is really not just that "Hey, cops are human, bro. They totally make mistakes. They can't all negotiate perfectly. They can't all have compassion. They aren't all like super-patient. They can't all only shoot guilty people." That's quite a bit of a naive opinion.

The issue is that cops are no longer just making mistakes and bad judgement calls. At least that kind of thing could be chalked up to human error or inadequate training.

They're now intentionally deciding to do things to people they know they really have no legal explanation for and that they will face no consequences for.

If you're really defending that, then what you're really saying is cops should be able to do whatever they want, to whomever they want, whenever they want, just because they want to, and everyone else should shut up and take it because everything any cop does is acceptable because of the very fact that they're a cop. And besides, it's not going to happen to "the vast majority of people," so who cares, right?

Bullshit. Maybe in communist Russia or China, but not in the land of the "free."


You people expect cops to act perfectly, have the negotiating skills of Henry Kissinger, the compassion of Mother Theresa and the patience of Job, the martial skill of a UFC fighter, and the targeting skill of Annie Oakley, when what you should be doing is looking at your own behavior and seeing how that leads to your own fate.


Gee, someone here is able to present a point w/o resorting to juvenile name-calling.

Lucky, imagine if you were a doctor and all you got to see on videosift were videos of doctors misbehaving...screwing with medicare, cutting off the wrong foot, leaving scalpels inside people's abdomens and you tried to say...hey, this is rare, there might be more to the story, that doctor was censured, etc.

In my 30 yrs of LE experience I don't see people getting beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested for no reason.

But some people come along here and besmirch every single LE officer on the planet and say they are all corrupt, etc.

I have to defend the cops or at least show that these instances of misbehavior are rare.

Some of these commenters here are so angry you have to wonder what happened in their personal lives that they have all of this animus toward authority figures, which cops are.

See, I've worked with cops and I see what they do. The people here see a video and think they know everything about everything.

Just saying.

Also, I am not saying cops should be able to do anything at any time, etc. I believe cops should operate under the law and policies set up by their department.


You can't seem to understand that it is BECAUSE you defend these indefensible cops that I (and others) paint you (and other officers) as corrupt.

EDIT: Calling you 'predictable' isn't 'juvenile name calling' if it's properly descriptive, and it TOTALLY was, I predicted you supporting the cops and/or blaming the innocent victims, and that's exactly what you did.


If your fragile sensibilities can't tolerate being called a name, then the internet is not a place for you. Probably shouldn't be a cop either.

Or do we start calling you "Lantern the delicate flower"

In addition, you don't get to conveniently dismiss an argument merely because someone called you a name.

The 2nd grade called, they want their debate tactics back


been here four years and never saw the ignore button till now?

yeah, you're a real contributor to this community. It's not like it's hidden or anything.

careful though, some think the ignore button is for the "weak" you wouldn't want to be perceived as weak now would you?


I've only ever ignored Shinyblurry, for obvious reasons, but you suckas keep quoting them, so it bypasses the ignore.

Just sayin.


been here four years and never saw the ignore button till now?

yeah, you're a real contributor to this community. It's not like it's hidden or anything.

careful though, some think the ignore button is for the "weak" you wouldn't want to be perceived as weak now would you?


I always found that odd as well. Why can't the quote be hidden just as the comment would be, it's headed by the name of the person you're ignoring, it seems like it should be simple for Sifty to just 'hide' quotes as well.
@lucky760, what say you?


I've only ever ignored Shinyblurry, for obvious reasons, but you suckas keep quoting them, so it bypasses the ignore.

Just sayin.


How is it not surprising that the problem sees no problem?

You say : "I don't see people getting beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested for no reason"
So, those that were "beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested", were for a good reason, right?

Ever consider that those reasons are often made up?
Ever consider that the stories you heard around the water cooler were simply B.S., and it was in fact the police simply preying on innocent people?

Just what exactly does LE do for me, or anyone?

Do police have super powers and spidey senses?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting raped, and prevent it?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting run over, and prevent it?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting beaten, and prevent it?
Will they magically teleport to someone getting robbed, and prevent it?
The answer is : no.

Police can't actually /help/ anyone.
They can only show up after the fact, and ask you what happened, and if you know who did it.
If you don't know who it was, tough shit. Sucks to be you.
Unlike on TV, there is no in-depth investigation. The most they do is tell you to call them if you remember something else. (This is speaking from experience)

What if you're not around to even tell them anything? Almost every murder committed by an unrelated stranger without witnesses or video goes unsolved.
Why? Because all police know how to do is ask friends/family where they were, and if everyone has an excuse, police got nothing.

At least when a normal person [that you can identify] harms you, you /can/ call the police, and maybe, just maybe, if they feel like it, they will round them up after the fact.

(They often don't. We've had people dumping trash on our land : police didn't respond. We've had people hunting [strangers shooting guns] on our property : police didn't respond. Brought evidence of a fraud to the police station, with account numbers, names, addresses : we won't investigate. The only time they ever came was to talk with my mother after she reported her credit card number was being used by a stranger - LOL, of all the things, they bother coming for /that/?)

But if the police harm you, you've got nowhere to turn to - but them. And they care more about each other, than some stranger.

Heck, I've been tailgated by a cop, on a multi-lane road, so close his headlights weren't even visible over my trunk. He could have gone around me any time. After miles, when I finally sped up - BAM. Ticket.

I've pulled up to a roadblock by my house, and asked if I could go by. The guy was so incensed that he detained me for hours, and told me I was threatening his life, reckless driving, and not wearing a seatbelt.

I've been threatened by a cop - because I interrupted her chat with her girlfriend to ask for directions around a road they were closing off.

I've been pulled over with gun drawn, for trivial speeding (well below reckless).

Seriously people, every time you get pulled over, you are at risk of getting shot, because someone is trained to be suspicious and paranoid, and they saw something shiny.

Just look at how they behave. Cop shoots his daughter in his own garage, because he thought she was a burglar.
What, too much to ask just to look at the person to see if they're even a burglar? Shoot first ask questions later.

Every year there are multiple cases of police raiding a house and shooting people - only to find out it was the wrong house. What, too much trouble to be a decent human being and just knock first, and ask for whoever they need to come out?

Oh, but that might put them at a greater risk. And we all know that police take MINIMAL risks themselves, and instead risk the lives of the citizens. (Why not approach with gun drawn? At least you're ready to shoot the suspect. And if you accidentally shoot the suspect, oh well, just say they 'attacked'. No biggie. Why take the risk.)
The biggest risk they take, is the one they dream up for when they want to take credit for being the heroes they never were.

Look at the friggin VT shooting. Swarms of cops surrounding a building. Man inside, could be killing more people by the moment... and the cops just camp out and wait for him to kill himself.
Worst part, is if it were my family inside, and I tried to go in and stop the shooter, the police would just shoot me for trying to enter.

(And no, police don't deserve heroic praise. They deserve the _pay_check_ they signed up for. If that's not enough, they should take life more seriously and really think about what it is they're getting into, before they do it. Take responsibility, like an adult should.)

The police are a liability. They're armed. They're selfish. They're paranoid and suspicious. They're jumpy.
IMO, the best thing to do is keep away from them, don't look at them, don't talk to them. Stay away, and stay safe.

Oh yeah, and the police are also immune form the constitution's equal protection clause. "Because interpretation".

Look at the numbers. You are less likely to be arrested or go to jail in NORTH KOREA, than here in the U.S. of A. By a factor of 4 last I checked.
What the heck is going on here?

1 in 18 men is either in jail, on parole, or somewhere in the process of going to jail.
Most of the countries in Europe have smaller populations, than the people that we have 'in the system'. And most of the people we have 'in the system', never even harmed another person. They're just arrested for 'behavior crimes' - simply doing things that are not allowed. This is madness. The system is mad, the police are mad.

You don't end up with videos of a gang of police acting like gangsters, if it's a matter of 'a few bad apples'. They all have to be in the same frame of mind.
If they weren't all of the same frame of mind, one would do something bad, and the others would say "whoa there man, you're out of line".
But instead, they all do it. Because there are no 'bad apples'.
There is 'bad training', and 'bad culture', and it permeates the profession.

And when I say bad, I don't mean that "they are trained to be thugs".
I mean that the police don't see suspects as 'citizens (members of the state) that the police are on the side of'.
Whoever crosses their path is dehumanized. Some kind of "other", that the police need to protect society from. Not realizing that those people /are/ society, and /they/ need protection.
The kind of behavior that I see in these kinds of videos, it's simply treason. Betrayal of the state.

If the laws of this country were written to provide restitution to victims - and there were no laws to simply tell people how to live, and if the police spent their time providing restitution to victims, then I would have nothing but the greatest appreciation for the police.
As it stands, there's very little nobility around this profession. Majority of the job is simply picking on people - sometimes because they did harm, but usually because they mind their own business in an unapproved of way, or for kicks.




In my 30 yrs of LE experience I don't see people getting beat up, or shot, or assaulted, or arrested for no reason.


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