alan grayson doing what he does best-exposing wingnuttery

i am going to miss mr grayson.
here he reveals just how biased and hypocritical the rightwing pundits actually are.

Y'know, its taken me about 20 years to get to the point where I honestly think violence on a revolutionary war scale is the only thing that will cause the plutocratic oligarchy to be personally affected by the enormous class divide they have created.

I hope I live to see them suffer.


I find it somewhat amusing that these people with, what I would view, not real skills make so much. I mean news caster do nothing more than read the news...or well, they did years ago before they were celebrities that sell news instead of report it. The tax code is a piece of crap anyway, this debate is just about one morsole of fecal matter.

Number of pages in Federal Tax code.

I can't find a more recent list of how many pages there are. It is sad, and wasteful, that not only do we have to pay a mammoth IRS to keep track of all that, but, entire industries have sprung up to do you taxes for you. Money you could be spending on better schools, better toothbrushes, ect. One might say, "but you are creating jobs for accountants!" But that is the same as saying it is good for the economy for the government to go around smashing windows is good for window repairmen. Fact is, you shouldn't need to spend money to have some firm write software to sort through millions of lines of federal tax statues. Make it flat, make it easier, make it fair...but for heavens sakes, make it something else.



If Mr. Grayson feels that rich people should pay a higher tax rate then he is more than welcome to pay it. Not only is Mr. Grayson worth 30+ million dollars, but I am absolutely sure that the IRS will take money given to it. If Mr. Grayson wishes to pay more in taxes, then by all means, he should.


Where exactly in this video did you see him say he thought all those other people should pay the extra taxes but he shouldn't?

>> ^Ydaani:

If Mr. Grayson feels that rich people should pay a higher tax rate then he is more than welcome to pay it. Not only is Mr. Grayson worth 30+ million dollars, but I am absolutely sure that the IRS will take money given to it. If Mr. Grayson wishes to pay more in taxes, then by all means, he should.


Let them eat cake! When the French working classes ceased to be dazzled by their ruling class, those that escaped sought refuge in other countries like England, those that got caught faced the guillotine, liberty, equality, fraternity. Please brother American, if you are to have a revolution, don't let them escape across the seas this time, we don't want their kind over here. There are plenty of jungles/forests for them to hide in on your southern continent. We're already using them to great effect in "I'm a celebrity get me out of here!"


From here:

"As for now, I believe this bipartisan plan is the right thing to do. It’s the right thing to do for jobs. It’s the right thing to do for the middle class. It is the right thing to do for business. And it’s the right thing to do for our economy. It offers us an opportunity that we need to seize.

It’s not perfect, but this compromise is an essential step on the road to recovery. It will stop middle-class taxes from going up. It will spur our private sector to create millions of new jobs, and add momentum that our economy badly needs.

That was our President in an address today saying the exact opposite of Grayson. Can someone get their story straight? Extending the tax cuts either will create millions of new jobs or it won't. They both can't be right.

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