XCOM 2 is in the works. It's currently a PC exclusive game, The aliens eventually took over and it up to you to command resistance fighters to free the planet!

IGN watermark ruined the whole thing.

You can tell they're asses by delaying the showing of it too. Like they purposely want people to show/take the trailer and advertise them.


The rumor is they're waiting out for an exclusive or timed exclusive offer from MS or Sony before announcing console release. Not that I care, I'll be playing on PC in Nov!

Looks good. Procedural level design is great news, the downside of the first was at some point you knew the layout of all the maps and it was predictable as hell. I hope they bring back some of the complexity that was missing from the recent reboot (e.g. multiple bases, base grid structure), or at least add new depth.


I loved the previous one (and the original ones back in the day). Can't wait for this one.

More than the procedural level design, what I really wished for in the previous one was different textures/models, according to the part of the world the level took place. No matter where in the world the action was happening, it always looked like new york or something.


I just wish they'd hired a few more voice actors. I loved that my squad was a group of international badasses*. I hated that they all spoke English with an American accent.

* I nearly cried when Douggie, my Scottish assault, died. In my mind, he was got into xcom after escaping the Glasgow gang scene. None of the team could understand him, but he was the first human to ever headbutt an alien. RIP Douggie, ya brave caledonian nutter. We killed that cyberdisk for you, man!


More than the procedural level design, what I really wished for in the previous one was different textures/models, according to the part of the world the level took place. No matter where in the world the action was happening, it always looked like new york or something.

Asmojokingly says...

After finishing Classic Ironman with zero deaths/zero country losses, I'm fucking pissed that I go away for a well deserved 5 weeks of vacation and find that someone has dropped the fucking ball and let the aliens win...


Wait!? Did they hire the guy from Honest Trailers for the Voice over?
Also, could they put a little more Bwaaahhh in the trailer. I could still hear the music.


Go into the Audio options and check the "Soldier's Language" option.


I just wish they'd hired a few more voice actors. I loved that my squad was a group of international badasses*. I hated that they all spoke English with an American accent.

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