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bareboards2says...quality, with no power to Make It So.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, January 7th, 2011 11:53am PST - promote requested by sepatown.
Hybridsays...Check out more photos here:
Some incredible photos on there.
vaporlocksays...Amazing story!!!
siftbotsays...Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by vaporlock.
paganif1says...Awesome story... on an entirely different issue, did it bother anyone else to see the camera crew's lights from 1:15 to 1:26. I mean really, no way to frame those out?
spoco2says...They ask part way through if she'll ever be held up there with the greats, and I say it right now SHE BETTER BE... those shots are just stunning, really beautifully composed, really capturing people, wonderful lighting, framing... man, they are some truly awesome photos.
That sort of street photography where she gets her subjects to be looking at her is the sort I wish I could do, but do not have the personality that allows me to photograph people I don't know as I'm always self concious of what they think I'm doing... so I'm left with taking distant shots only... hence why I have to look on with envy at those who can do street photography.
Yogisays...This is such a beautiful story...I love old pictures and this collection should be bound together and sold as a book or placed in the commons thing in congress. This is really an amazing story about someone so seemingly insignificant...I love the whole idea and I'm dying for the movie.
EDIT: They're planning a book and a movie.
Opus_Moderandisays...>> ^spoco2:
They ask part way through if she'll ever be held up there with the greats, and I say it right now SHE BETTER BE... those shots are just stunning, really beautifully composed, really capturing people, wonderful lighting, framing... man, they are some truly awesome photos.
That sort of street photography where she gets her subjects to be looking at her is the sort I wish I could do, but do not have the personality that allows me to photograph people I don't know as I'm always self concious of what they think I'm doing... so I'm left with taking distant shots only... hence why I have to look on with envy at those who can do street photography.
Set up your shot, then yell or something to make them look your way, click, THEN approach them and explain
dannym3141says...Can anyone explain to me the relevance of the word "woman" in the title of this vid? Just interested..
TheSluiceGatesays...>> ^dannym3141:
Can anyone explain to me the relevance of the word "woman" in the title of this vid? Just interested..
I was about to ask the same question... far my favorite is the graffiti that says "billy graham is a cracker"
arvanasays...Because it's relatively rare for a woman to be taken seriously as a great artist?>> ^dannym3141:
Can anyone explain to me the relevance of the word "woman" in the title of this vid? Just interested..
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