When collapsing glaciers attack!

"August 4th in Alaska....land of danger, danger." - YouTube

Why, whenever someone gets hurt and is down on the ground, is there some annoying busy body shouting "Stay there, Don't Move!" WTF is the person going to do, get up and do jumping jacks?


Actually that's not a dumb thing to say at all; moving when injured (as in trying to get to a bathroom or a first aid kit, etc) can aggravate certain injuries, so if someone is nearby and is getting ready to help it's the right thing for them to say.

>> ^P1ggy:

Why, whenever someone gets hurt and is down on the ground, is there some annoying busy body shouting "Stay there, Don't Move!" WTF is the person going to do, get up and do jumping jacks?


Anyting for a thrill.... This must have been quite an experience. However, we are all likely to share the same one. Today I read on Science Daily : "Large Variations in Arctic Sea Ice: Polar Ice Much Less Stable Than Previously Thought, Study Finds"... so we'are in for a treat, sooner or later.

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