In the video, you just get a glimpse of the car. The whole story with pictures of the whole car here: While it’s hard to label the Russian nouveau riche’s consumption anything other than conspicuous, it is getting harder and harder for the vast nation’s overnight millionaires to stand out from the crowd, particularly when it comes to their cars. Now before you go shedding crocodile tears for the Motherland’s loaded, gaze upon the creation that is the Bentley Suitcase Croco.
Sure, it looks like real crocodile hide but, ironically, it’s actually the skin of one of the Nile Crocodile’s natural prey, the African Buffalo. Doesn’t that just make you lay an egg? Anyway, the buffalo leather is embossed with a crocodile-esque pattern and painted the correct colors, processes that took the men behind the project – Igor Kozin, Robert Mauser, Igor Ryabov and Nikolai Mikhailov – some nine months to perfect.
PsychologicLooks pretty cool in my opinion, but it would have been nice if they showed more than 10% of the car.
gwiz665Well that certainly is decadent... mmm.
alwaysI guess wearing pants isn't necessarily requisite for selling a car. Pause right at 1:25.
kronosposeidonProves the old expression, "Money can't buy taste."
SagemindI'm sorry, but who wants animal skin for their car???
Hey Bob, What should we make the car out of?
How about Steel Carl? No
Graphite? No
Kevlar? No
Aluminum? No
Metal Carbide Powder and a Multi-element High-entropy Alloy Powder (here)
Leather? oh, hey, that a solid idea! Screw technology... (bla, bla, bla...)
oileanachWait, there was a car?
ThrobbinI like it.
As long as I know that the buffalo was killed in a humane manner, and the meat didn't go to waste and actually helped feed a family, and they got a fair price for the skin - I'd be cool with it.
I've always wanted an ivory keyboard. One day...
Seric>> ^gwiz665:
Well that certainly is decadent... mmm.
Jambe! The chocolate icing!
Edit: I couldn't believe these hadn't been sifted -
gwiz665A thousand upvotes descend upon you!
>> ^Seric:
>> ^gwiz665:
Well that certainly is decadent... mmm.
Jambe! The chocolate icing!

SagemindAlso, what happens when you leave it out in the rain? and then the sun, does the leather shrink?
Or is the idea that, a car this expensive never leaves the garage?
>> ^Throbbin:
I like it.
As long as I know that the buffalo was killed in a humane manner, and the meat didn't go to waste and actually helped feed a family, and they got a fair price for the skin - I'd be cool with it.
I've always wanted an ivory keyboard. One day...
LarsaruSChill *electronica
siftbotAdding video to channels (Electronica) - requested by LarsaruS.
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