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Westwood College Sued For Fraud

Ok so the now infamous 'tighten up the graphics on level 3' advert is well known, but westwood college, that puts on that dross, is being sued, by 67 past students for deception, fraud and breach of contract. The college charged an amazingly high $27000 to $34000 for about a year and a half of classes. At the end of all of this the paper they give you is essentially worthless.

Why the hell does ANY school charge that much?

Luckily, here in Canad my Degree is subsidized - Yay Socialism!

I'm paying around $2500 (plus books) a semester, and in the end I get a fully fledged Political Science Degree, with a minor in Law! All for about $20,000.


>> ^Throbbin:
Why the hell does ANY school charge that much?
Luckily, here in Canad my Degree is subsidized - Yay Socialism!
I'm paying around $2500 (plus books) a semester, and in the end I get a fully fledged Political Science Degree, with a minor in Law! All for about $20,000.

thats actually alot compared to some european countries where university is completely free, paid for through huge taxes..


>> ^pipp3355:
>> ^Throbbin:
Why the hell does ANY school charge that much?
Luckily, here in Canad my Degree is subsidized - Yay Socialism!
I'm paying around $2500 (plus books) a semester, and in the end I get a fully fledged Political Science Degree, with a minor in Law! All for about $20,000.

thats actually alot compared to some european countries where university is completely free, paid for through huge taxes..

Yeah I get paid for being in university.


>> ^BreaksTheEarth:
$35,000 for a year and a half and an AA degree? If these kids can't figure out that's a bad deal then they have bigger problems.

Like the video said, these are mostly people from families that never attended colleges themselves. They're trying to break out of their blue collar background with some hard-earned money and they get swindled out of it. I don't see any reason to blame the victims here.


>> ^ajkido:
>> ^pipp3355:
>> ^Throbbin:
Why the hell does ANY school charge that much?
Luckily, here in Canad my Degree is subsidized - Yay Socialism!
I'm paying around $2500 (plus books) a semester, and in the end I get a fully fledged Political Science Degree, with a minor in Law! All for about $20,000.

thats actually alot compared to some european countries where university is completely free, paid for through huge taxes..

Yeah I get paid for being in university.

And the tax rates in Belgium are 45 - 55% where 1 in 2 people work for the government. What's Belgium's national past-time you ask? Tax evasion.


Here in the Netherlands you pay 1500 euros a year for any higher or university level education. Every student can get up to 400 euros a month, depending on the income of their parents (and borrow up to 700 at very fair interest and terms) for 5 years. This is converted into a loan if you don't complete a study within 10 years. Also all students get free public transportation during either the weekends or workweek depending on their choice.
I think it's quite a good system that gives fairly equal opportunities to all people who want to study.


>> ^cybrbeast:
Here in the Netherlands you pay 1500 euros a year for any higher or university level education. Every student can get up to 400 euros a month, depending on the income of their parents (and borrow up to 700 at very fair interest and terms) for 5 years. This is converted into a loan if you don't complete a study within 10 years. Also all students get free public transportation during either the weekends or workweek depending on their choice.
I think it's quite a good system that gives fairly equal opportunities to all people who want to study.

That actually sounds like a really great system. Now I wish I was a Netherlanderthal.


4 yrs undergrad - 2 yrs medical school ... US$76K in debt ... but that's about 5 mos wages... so I guess it was a good investment... well 5 mos before taxes at least!


>> ^sillybapx:
4 yrs undergrad - 2 yrs medical school ... US$76K in debt ... but that's about 5 mos wages... so I guess it was a good investment... well 5 mos before taxes at least!

You're a doctor? Well I've got this rash I want you to take a look at...


Hi, all – We’ve just come across these posts and wanted you to know that the “expose” video shown here is quite out-of-date – it is from a Dallas TV station and first ran in 2005. We’d welcome the opportunity to provide any of you with current information about Westwood College and to learn more from you about your experience so we can help, if needed, to reach some resolution. Please contact us via Westwood College’s Student Resolution Hotline at 888.331.3036. We hope to hear from you soon.

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