Weiner Owns Speaker in Latest Rant (3/30/11)

These pricks are now just flat-out admitting to making up the rules as they go.

Typical do as I say not as I do. This is coming from the guy who illegally and unconstitutionally helped vote Obamacare into law against the will of the people. The same law that he didn't know what was in it, but it 'had to pass so we could find out what is in it'.

Pure sour grapes from a guy who is on the losing side. He can be safely ignored as a hypocrite and liar.


Weiner - "Hold on, don't we have some rules that this is breaking, rules that YOU guys basically wrote?"

Bass - "... The gentleman is suggested to go fuck himself. (bangs gavel) Case closed!"


You need to know what this was all about. The issue being debated was the DC school voucher program. The GOP was voting to restore funds that the Obama administration had stripped from a popular, successful school voucher program.

Now - the Democrats/Obama oppose school vouchers because it takes money out of the public school system and their lockstep unions - and instead gives the power & choice to parents and children. Weiner in particular has opposed school vouchers for years, and his opposition to this bill is second verse, same as the first. He didn't mind using parlimentary tricks, gimmicks, leverage, and skullduggery to strip the funds out of the program. And now he's whining because the GOP is using parlimentary gimmicks to put them back.

Cry me a river.

I am in favor of any program that takes money away from government, and returns it to people. I'm especially in favor of programs that weaken bloated, corrupt, ineffective government shill outfits like the DOE, teacher's unions, and other SEIU outfits. This bill was effectively taking money away from unions, and giving it to parents. That is something I support, and three cheers that the GOP passed the bill over the objections of this slimy little hypocrite.


>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Typical do as I say not as I do. This is coming from the guy who illegally and unconstitutionally helped vote Obamacare into law against the will of the people. The same law that he didn't know what was in it, but it 'had to pass so we could find out what is in it'.
Pure sour grapes from a guy who is on the losing side. He can be safely ignored as a hypocrite and liar.

Under what theory is Obamacare unconstitutional, what are you smoking, and can I have some?


>> ^blackoreb:

Let me get this straight - you are in favor of increasing government spending, so the government can spend more money on it's people? Very sociable of you.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
I am in favor of any program that takes money away from government, and returns it to people.

He's also apparently in favor of increasing the national debt to pass short term tax cuts for the rich that don't really have any benefit to economic growth, just like dubya did.


>> ^jwray:

>> ^blackoreb:
Let me get this straight - you are in favor of increasing government spending, so the government can spend more money on it's people? Very sociable of you.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
I am in favor of any program that takes money away from government, and returns it to people.

He's also apparently in favor of increasing the national debt to pass short term tax cuts for the rich that don't really have any benefit to economic growth, just like dubya did.

But he's in favor of increasing the debt to return money to the people. I'm still not sure what the difference is, but apparently there's a difference. I've yet to hear anyone explain it in a logical fashion, though.


funny, republican response in these comments seem to me to be more irrational, foot stomping rhetoric than anything else...

especially when this is the redistribution of wealth... government to the private sector (lobbied interest mind you)... i guess its okay, as in the bailouts, when the money goes to the well to do as opposed to those that actually need it

its okay though, the 1% that owns 25% of the wealth, when the whole system collapses because your middle class has become poor, will OBVIOUSLY realize the error of unregulated free markets, socialism for the rich/capitalism for the poor, and wage inequity (inspite of actual results) and come back and save you all

people need to realize if you aren't making 100s millions a year, you aren't included in the IN CROWD, your interests aren't being looked after, you're just having the pain deferred longer if you've got "some" money...

the best way to look at what is going on in American society right now is the opposite of what the Chinese have been doing... building a middle class (which will be 3x as large as the total population of the US mind you)... the US is doing its best to create a small concentrated amount of wealth, and a vast population of poor (the word serfdom comes to mind) workers who'll make cheap, low-cost products to ship overseas to China and who will remain largely unorganized as workers with very few rights and very little to NO chance of a decent education

US dominance/exceptionalism is a myth fed to the masses, the money only cares about making more money, and the best way to do that is to take it from you to create a corporate state system with wealth/rights concentrated in the top (which 99% of you can't include yourself in, even if you think you can)

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