'Wanted' Trailer #2 - Bends your puny laws of physics

I normally recoil in horror when I see over-CGI'd slow-motion movie trailers, but somehow this manages to look good. In a 300 kinda way.

My15minutes posted the first one earlier. Check it out!

I was expecting Jesus Christ to pop up at some point during the trailer...

Looks awesome in a kind of "hollywood-again-fails-with-the-intelligent-audience" kindaway.

(Must remember to switch off brain and suspend belive if Iwatch this) Carryon


It's based on a comic book miniseries. From what I've seen and heard so far at Wondercon, it's going to be pretty good.

I really wish people would do just a little more research of source materials for movies before they bash them. 300 was an excellent movie within the context of the graphic novel. Snyder went with the idea of matching the look of the movie Miller's style, and it works. That 'over-the-top' look is perfectly matched to the graphic novel.


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