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V-Tech Killer confession video


its the same video it seems, I wasnt aware it had been posted and discarded, I tried searching for it.

I do disagree that its not worth sifting tho. If nothing else this is a "historical document", no matter how much disgust and anger we feel towards this guy. It is also an interesting video, because he explains his motive for these senseless killings. This is one way of getting closer to the root of what makes people do this shit,what can be done to prevent it? better psychiatric treatment? How do we create a society were people are less likely to get driven to this?

And lastly, the guy also seems to be religiously motivated, (ie: he seems to draw parallels between his own suffering and Jesus death, and "they" are referred to as "heathens") yet another reason to choose reason over superstition, perhaps?


BicycleRepairMan I disagree that it's a historical document for the following reasons:

1) Cho is clearly mentally unstable, trying to create a self-serving psychological reasons for his actions. Much like Kim, Dylan and other school shooters did. All coming down to isolation and rejection in their peer groups.

2) No attempt is ever made to understand the reasons behind these actions because literally they are too subjective to each individual case. But one parallel drawn shows that all shooters come from stable homes but unstable mental backgrounds. I look forward to the usual blame on violence in the media, games, music, and gun control topics to come up again.

3) Cho doesn't present any reasons. There was no concrete foundations for his actions besides his own hate and disgust at the world. No links have been found between Cho and the victims. I doubt he was religious, what he says is merely to reenforce the actions he is about to carry out for himself, because it takes a significant psychological crack to start shooting civilians. Ultimately ask yourself does he present a real reason?

Cho was suffering in one place and it was his mind, it's sad that he took it out on others.


"And lastly, the guy also seems to be religiously motivated, (ie: he seems to draw parallels between his own suffering and Jesus death, and "they" are referred to as "heathens") yet another reason to choose reason over superstition, perhaps?"

And he also seems to be Korean in this clip, yet another reason to be extremely wary of Korean college students.

I am not so sure that it is wise to use the bizarre ramblings of a maniac as a commercial supporting reason over faith, BicycleRepairMan. I am almost certain that the Pat Robertson conservatives will demagogue this in the other direction -- that he wasn't faithful enough -- which is also shaky and opportunistic.

I know that evil rap and violent video games will come into play by the end of the day. I am waiting for evil YouTube and Satanic viral vid to be blamed since this seems to be the killer's YouTube moment.

And like all crappy YouTube videos of a person ranting into a camera or singing Britney poorly, it has my downvote.


i voted wrong too. goddamnit...

oh, and the copycats begin: - "One student was arrested at Todd Beamer High School in Federal Way, Washington, after a parent phoned in a tip, according to Debra Stenberg, spokeswoman for the Federal Way Public School System.

The parent had received a text message from her daughter that she believed a student was carrying a gun. The school resource officer and the school principal confronted the student in a hallway and found the student was carrying three handguns and extra ammunition.

The school was locked down, and students were held in class for about an hour before they were dismissed.
A second student was searched but not taken into custody, Stenberg said.


This is from Harry Shearer in the Huffington Post:

Not so easy is the answer to the question: what is the possible journalistic explanation for splashing Cho's self-dramatizing poses and self-justifying bullsh*t over network and cable air? Did we learn anything useful during the spate of interviews of Charlie Manson years ago, except that he was one crazy motherf***er? Cho's pathetic outpourings deserved to be put back where they came from--in a small room, with FBI guys sentenced to read/see and parse them Instead, a hundred thousand self-pitying mentally ill young men (and women?) have just been shown the road to glory one more time. A society in which it's easier to become famous for killing people than for doing something useful or constructive is one remarkable place in which to live.

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