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46 Comments Its really hard for me to fathom the devastation these bombs would cause.
swampgirlWhat great music to accompy it! That was the best "danger movie music" I've ever heard. Someone please tell me the name of the piece.
sowatsurpointdudei wonder where this was taken
conansays...go on, kill the planet you f*#&heads!
USA-2. Japan-0.
Guess who won that war?
Nukes suck, but they were better than the alternative, which would have likely NONE of us here to wonder about it.
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
That's not exactly true Devlin. At the time nukes were dropped on Japan, they were isolated and pretty much destroyed militarily. However they were stubbornly refusing to give an unconditional surrender.
The alternative to dropping the nukes would have been a ground assault on the Japanese mainland, something that would have cost a lot more American lives. The nukes forced Japan to surrender on Allied terms.
regina.aquaeTo "swampgirl" - I think the music is the same that is behind the dinosaur scene in Fantasia, which I think is....Bethoveen's something or other? Not sure. But I am sure it's the same music - you know, when they're all dying of thirst and the volcanos are erupting and what much as I can remember, anyway.
tooleydag... agreed, just to add that the potential land invasion would have cost a ton of japanese lives as well.
BicycleRepairManto put this in context, dont miss the US Defence budget explained, and watch the last bit, with the bb pearls explaining US stockpiles of nukes:
haggissays...Who wants to go shockwave surfing?
joedirtdag, I think they've recently declassified some of the documents regarding the decision to drop FatMan and LittleBoy. I think the main motivation was that Russia was mobilizing to engage with their ground troops, and that would have made a completely different post-war world.
If you think about what the world might have been like with a different Russian rebuilt post-WWII Japan.. I'll bet the Cold War would have been a lot different.
bnsaThat's one way of getting rid of gophers... LOL!
swampgirlI was able to visit the atomic bomb museum in Nagasaki. What a sobering collection. Clocks frozen at the time of the detonation, toys, school books, uniforms (they were smaller people than they are now), and alot of pictures.
One of the more saddening exhibits was a re-enactment of the victims search for unspoiled water afterwards. Apparently the water was ruined by the fallout and many died thirsting to death.
Very sobering. As an American, I see our side in using the bomb to end the war..but once you're there seeing what that bomb does, it really gets to you and just makes you feel awful that man is capable of doing this.
sowatsurpointdudei agree wit dag. if america never dropped the nukes on Japan then WWII culdve turned into even a mre deadlier war. as the president at that time sonce said,"if the war had continued casualties of soilders and civis wuld has escalated to a vwery high amount, resoluting into a peace treaty, which wuld have cuased this great nation to crumble.". i agree to, and another fact for u. the U.N at the time was called the League of Nations, and were denied to became peacekeepers. then after Hiroshima the League of Nations changed its name to the United Nations, being excepted as peacekeepers. then all statesman in the white house(who denied the League of Nations) were than kicked out from the U.S. goverment. then U.S. started to screw up. after Regan the U.S. went into turmoil and went down the drain. you c out fourfather came here becuz they were afraid of God, and saw that the church of England was wrong, and left. now when u mention God's name nobody seems to even turn around and listen. now they turn around and mug (or kill) u. to think of the time line this nation(and world)has and gone through. anyways the U.S.(to my knoledge through my contacts)was planning this ever since they had captured a German base holding V2 rockets and designes for a "Flying Saucer"(im not idding look it up)plus the best scientists in the world. which designed and produced the A-Bomb(nuke). and the nuculear population has risen from 1 to nearly 500,000 if not mre. which the U.S. has 1,200 mre than any other country. plus China has nearly 200 million soilder on stand by and 300 nukes ready to strike at any time. which 300 nukes can obliterate all lie on earth. China also suplies Korea and other countries with nukes and other suplies, which they get from Russia, which Russia acts as there ally and ours while they supply our enemies to destroy us. now doesnt that sound entriging? RUSSIA AND CHINA ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS. KOREA, VIETNAM,(MABYE FRANCE) AND THE MAJORITY OF THE EARTH IS NOT OUT FRIENDS!IRAQ AND IRAN R NOT OUR FRIENDS! ISREAL AND A FEW OTHER COUNTRIES R OUR ONLY ALLIES(so as long as we backup Isreal theyll backup us. as far as im concerned the entirety of the middle east, except isreal, are not our friends. we saved there bums and now there chanting," DEATH TO ISREAL! DEATH TO AMERICA!" i say we stop suplies and get rid of our agrement wit the middle east(exceot Isreal) and the U.N. and say," to be allys wit us, u must help us in times of perial, and support us when we r in war. not stab us behind our back!" but bush is so dumb he dont got the balls to say that. plus most nuclear material is being stored up and contaminating the water and soil, killing living organisms and causing a spreading new and old diseases. and Bush says theres "nothing to worry about". BULL! in times like these the only thing u can do jst about is get saved and believe in God and wat Christ did on the cross 2000 years ago.cuz in revelation its talks about the end times, and the "peace treaty" and "peace for 5 years then war". but ill be gone by then. anyways dag i agree wit u.(one more question dag...wheres ur other avatar??) THE END
joedirtOMG. It is the end times? Where are you going without us? I don't want to be stuck here in the radiation all un-saved.
sowatsurpointdudeill answer ur questions joedirt.
1)yes we r in the end times
2)im gonna go be wit jesus when he comes back,the rapture.
3)u dont wanna be stuck here than get saved{ok that wasnt a question, jst an answer}.
does that help u out and ur questions? if u want to ask mre questions leave a message after the beep.
deathcow> yes we r in the end times
Right... sure we are, as defined by who exactly? your Sunday schools teacher? interpreting the bible against recent news events?
Is this "end time" true only for Earth? or does it extend to other planets as well? Because a lot of them are just now developing and it seems like Jesus is coming back a bit early.
Or does each planet have its own independant "Christian timescale" that is separate from a geological timescale?
What are the signs of the end time also? Is it like an end zone with clearly marked lines? Are the lines painted with fear? Because I've heard fear is good for controlling the masses.
Sure, we're in the "End Times" because of George W Bush and the Middle East and 9/11. Ghastly events! Surely the end times. If only we'd been born in better times, like the year 1665 say, when 15% of all people died from the plague, surely no Christians around then were calling it the end times.
sowatsurpointdudeof what we kno of the universe is that its bigger than what we can imagine, and when God said "let there be light" ther was light, 186,000 miles per second. that measn that light is still being spread in the universe (by what scientists say).
plus i kno that its the end times becuz the bible declares that(not word for word)God's people(Isreal)shall be attacked, but will not be defeated. Isreal will not be defeated untill the anti-christ comes in with the 7-years-of-peace deal. after a few years he will than revail his true idenity and "crush Isreal", however God will come back in and intervien with that. thats when the 168,000 Jews will be saved. than the rest u can read in the bible for urself(Revelation and parts of Luke).
also deathocw there is one more thing u forgot to add to that "better living" in the 17th century. for one christians were persecuted for there beleifs(no Cathelacs arnt saved, unless the dont believe in worshipping to mary and othe idols)and burnt on a stake.(note: true christians were percecuted "most" of the time)plus hanging back then was driving a wooden stake(7-9ft in length)through ther bottom(yes its all true),true ther back,than hanging them,and sometimes burning them. no batter than it was back than than it was today in the 17th century.
now for one last thing, i learned most of this from the bible, the rest from my local pastor(who is spirit filled).
and my last point, deathcow what is in space we cannot fathom to think and imagine. only God and his Son(Jesus, who r the same) knos.
Jesus comes of the time that he knos not for sure when it exactly will be(the time, date, etc). all i need to focus on mainily now is being faiful to God and trying to bring many more souls to Christ Jesus before he comes back. DeathCow u have many questions witout answers, but mabye u may find out soon enough. remember, life on thi Earth is short, but living eternally(in Heaven or Hell)is eternall, peace and joy or destruction and pain. u chose.
"leave a message over the beep"
HAMFISTsays...Can I get more poorly spelled and badly articulated ranting from religious nutbags in the monitor?
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
LOL Hamfist, you should increase your resolution.
haggissays..."now for one last thing, i learned most of this from the bible, the rest from my local pastor(who is spirit filled)."
Spirit filled? I'll say! And I daresay you've had a snifter or two yourself.
Being raised on dispensationalism Christianity by my Baptist parents, I sympathize with your 'fear' for lack of a better word. People for years have compared current events to the Bible and found "signs" of the end of days. It's subjective observation based on fear my friend....
Go ahead, have your faith in's your right. But you do yourself and your religion a disservice by representing yourself so poorly. I'm no English professor, but gee whiz man there's a spell checker right above your comment box.
You make intelligent Christians (no flamers on that comment please) look bad. If English is a second language to you, then you should qualify that before you write.
The spell checker is crying.
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
LOL Haggis, that's just mean ;-)
sowatsurpointdudefor one thing this is how i write on the computer, u dont like it then fine dont like it. plus i rarely use the spellcheck cuz i forget about it most of the time.
now to my understandind "most" Babtist churches r "once saved always saved" which is a total lie from Hell! and i dont c why u most critisize me of ever little thing. sure i wrtite like this but dude when u said" a disgrace of christains " that was the wrong thing to say. u culdve said"it was bad and very impatiently wrote", c the difference. and i believe in my God, the only real God of this universe. whether u believe in my God or ur money god or idol god, ur still right and wrong of what u say, but not right with God. i aint judging u jst correcting my sayements. if u want me to correct anything else jst ask. oh ya, at least someone sticks up for me(i hope),thz dag.
deathcowFunny thread..
joedirtThought I might get an offer to get saved. Oh well. Good thing his God, (the only real God in the Universe) told him about them dirty Baptists. He does argue his point well --> Better to be right with his own God than right with spelling or logic or common sense.
swampgirlIf you were referring to me when you said "a disgrace of christains". I never said you were a disgrace...just that you do Christians a disservice the way you present yourself.
You're making excuses for yourself because you feel attacked. Sorry about that. This is a day and age where people of faith must do better to get their message out or be over-run by more educated, more thought out arguments from non-believers.
You say you don't know why you're criticized over "ever little thing". You as a Christian should be glad and accept it right? I mean it's supposed to be an honor to be persecuted for your beliefs.
The right winged Christians in America are lazy minded and expect non-believers to respect what you have to say...just "because". I'm only challenging you and others like you to do better since you ARE representing God aren't you?
Do better! There are more read..more articulate people out there ready to shoot you down. If you'd step back and look objectively at what I said before, you'd realize that I, in a way, was sticking up for you.
swampgirljoe, I'm trying to coach him to use the spellchecker! lol
I'm going to fridge for my bottle of "fruits of the spirit"
KrupoReminds me of a fun e-mail thread I had, oh, about a decade ago, explaining to a Mormon kid why Jews (or was it Baptists? pick your favourite group and insert here!) and Catholics aren't all "going to hell".

Backed it the rebuttals to the brimstone against up with Scripture, I did.
Good times.
btw, swampgirl, good coaching. Keep it up. I think you have the Holy Spirit on your side.
swampgirlIf not the Holy Spirit, I have the spirit of Bacardi here, and both want to see some intelligent christian arguments on this site for a change. Any christians out there heard of apologetics?
Hey, sowatsurepoint is sincere and obviously wants to express himself... sowatsurpoint if you're reading this, don't stop posting because what I or anyone else says.
KrupoHell yes (pardon the pseudo-pun).
I didn't really want to get involved with this thread, although I did end up wedging some in sideways to this thread -
BTW, have you tried Bacardi Apple?
swampgirlyes, it's good.. orange is ok too, but the coconut tastes something akin to suntan lotion
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
In college, Malibu and coke was the preferred drink for the girls - I think we used to try and fill them with spirit.
KrupoYeah, Apple Bacardi and Coke will do that trick quite nicely.
joedirtWell, if they are anything like the "good" Catholic girls I knew.. they didn't need alcohol before you try to fill them with the spirit.
haggissays...Crikey. How did we get from underground nuke explosion to filling Catholic girls with spirit (boy is THAT open to misconstrual!)?
swampgirlI dont know, haggis....but I'm afraid I ran off sowhatsurepoint. :-(
SnakePlisskenAm I late?
swampgirlOh, Snake that was horrible!
I prefer this:
"Now it is such a bizarrely improbably coincidence that anything so mindbogglingly useful [the Babel fish] could have evolved by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic."
-- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (book one of the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy series), p. 50
I guess you'd have to have read Hitch Hiker's Guide to appreciate what a Babel fish is.... ;-)
SnakePlisskenThat's a great one. Been a Douglas Adams fan since I was a kid.
Douglas Adams on his beliefs...
"As a teenager I was a committed Christian. It was in my background. I used to work for the school chapel in fact. Then one day when I was about eighteen I was walking down the street when I heard a street evangelist and, dutifully, stopped to listen. As I listened it began to be borne in on me that he was talking complete nonsense, and that I had better have a bit of a think about it... So I became an Agnostic. And I thought and thought and thought. But I just did not have enough to go on, so I didn't really come to any resolution. I was extremely doubtful about the idea of god, but I just didn't know enough about anything to have a good working model of any other explanation for, well, life, the universe and everything to put in its place. But I kept at it, and I kept reading and I kept thinking. Sometime around my early thirties I stumbled upon evolutionary biology... making the move from Agnosticism to Atheism takes, I think, much more commitment to intellectual effort than most people are ready to put in... I am fascinated by religion... It has had such an incalculably huge effect on human affairs. What is it? What does it represent? Why have we invented it? How does it keep going? What will become of it? I love to keep poking and prodding at it. I've thought about it so much over the years that that fascination is bound to spill over into my writing."
sowatsurpointdudei guess i was over reacting over the entire thing. i apoligize. but i still dont understand how an underground nuke conversation went to talking about God, to alchohol(leave me out) then to movies, then to religoius beliefs. all to much to me.
*shakes head and slowly walks away, expecting someone to reply*
swampgirlsowatsurepointdude!!!!! I'm so glad you returned. Sorry for giving you such a hard time the other night. Please return ok?
I think our rantings the other night might help get the video to the top 15 so that's a good thing, right?
sowatsurpointdudeYes that is a good thing. Though most of the talking didnt involve the nuke. Oh well lol.
Krupo*dead, however a duplicate has been posted - technically I could go ahead and discard, but if philkar shows up, he reserves the right to save it as it was posted first - in a weeek it'll be a discard if not fixed.
siftbotThe link to this video has been flagged as dead. Fix it within 7 days or it will be discarded (dead called by gold star member Krupo)
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