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UFO's Caught On Camera By International Space Station

Youtube description:- "This Is real footage from space. It shows real ufo's flying around and leaving earth"

With the amount of space debris they say is floating up there, i have no reaction to these. Show me something that changes direction or stops and starts again, and you'll have my attention.


I would however add, that something flying away from Earth's gravity does pique my curiosity.


With the amount of space debris they say is floating up there, i have no reaction to these. Show me something that changes direction or stops and starts again, and you'll have my attention.


Obviously swamp gas from a weather balloon trapped in a thermal pocket and reflecting the light from Venus.

I wonder what the explanation is though. You know, apart from "Aliens.".


Skipping off the atmosphere or perhaps colliding with the many many tons of garbage spinning around the earth at incredible velocities? Have you seen the high-res radar scans of all the crap up there? I'm amazed the ISS doesn't get pelted more often...


I would however add, that something flying away from Earth's gravity does pique my curiosity.


I don't see anything clearly flying away from Earth's gravity here. Not enough information to deduce the distances by eye alone - these things might be flying in the atmosphere or simply passing between Earth and the Camera. The latter seems much more likely, considering the perceived size of the objects and the distances involved. I'm guessing this is what satellites or space debris on orbital trajectories would look like.

The flaring is interesting though, I wonder what causes that.


I would however add, that something flying away from Earth's gravity does pique my curiosity.

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