Tucker Carlson Calls Canadians Retarded

Tucker Carlson has a talk with The Hour host George Stroumboulopoulos about comments he made; namely, calling Canadians "like your retarded cousin."

OK, I’m not looking to ride aspartam’s fame after this great recent event post:

But it made me do my own search on Youtube and I came up with this clip from October 11, 2006 where Tucker Carlson says some unkind words about Canada.
What gets me here are his comments after the fact. He stands by his comments and doesn’t see it as a problem. “Canada is America’s Little Buddy”

He seems like he has some great points until you reailize that points are things like “you have great things in Canada, you have dogsleds and beer and snow…” & “Canadians like to email because of the shorter days or colder weather… He just seems to defend himself using steriotypical views of Canada.

I was expecting worse from Tucker! But he was civil and reasonable enough, despite some of the blatant generalizations he made. He *did* make a few good points, too, and I was glad to see that this wasn't really a heated debate of any sort between the two of them. Strombololopopopolous has come a long way.. I used to see him on Much Music, he was a bit goofier back then.


While Tucker Carleson was thrown softball after softball questions he still reverted to referring to a country of over 30 million people within degrading and generalizational terms. He has such a condescending and ignorant attitude. I find it strange that he's been able to be given the amount of exposure he has.


Although Carlson was incorrect and rude in calling all Canadians retarded, he's hit on a valid point about being resentful. My observation go way before Carlson...he was probably wearing a bow tie and knickers in high school during my early encounters. I must say that Canadians are not shy about their attitudes. They'll sit down with you at dinner and bemoan the great American opulence, stupidity and wastefulness. They'll reside (in the US) next door to you and plant a Canadian flag in their front yard. They'll recite all the musical, comedic and media persons from Canada now in the US (Rush!!!, Peter Jennings...yada...yada...yada).

Carlson is right, many Americans really don't care. I don't spend my time worrying about Canada and keeping count on who does what and where. Look, you can have hockey back...it's not our fault that the bulk of teams are American. And yes, the Aneheim (Mighty) Ducks did win the Stanley Cup in 2007 - making Henri Richard turn in his grave, I'm sure. The only time I really consider Canada is when I start hearing the complaints. And then it's "On ,yeah...the Canadian thing...".


Yes, the few Canadians you know represent all Canadians. All 2,000 of them right?

>> ^Rotty:
Although Carlson was incorrect and rude in calling all Canadians retarded, he's hit on a valid point about being resentful. My observation go way before Carlson...he was probably wearing a bow tie and knickers in high school during my early encounters. I must say that Canadians are not shy about their attitudes. They'll sit down with you at dinner and bemoan the great American opulence, stupidity and wastefulness. They'll reside (in the US) next door to you and plant a Canadian flag in their front yard. They'll recite all the musical, comedic and media persons from Canada now in the US (Rush!!!, Peter Jennings...yada...yada...yada).
Carlson is right, many Americans really don't care. I don't spend my time worrying about Canada and keeping count on who does what and where. Look, you can have hockey back...it's not our fault that the bulk of teams are American. And yes, the Aneheim (Mighty) Ducks did win the Stanley Cup in 2007 - making Henri Richard turn in his grave, I'm sure. The only time I really consider Canada is when I start hearing the complaints. And then it's "On ,yeah...the Canadian thing...".


That's funny I can always tell which customers at work are Canadian because they're outwardly much more laid back.

Tucker's attitude is just plain shitty, and it does a great disservice to the Canadian troops that have been fighting our war over in Afghanistan.

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