Tracy Morgan on Star Wars

(youtube) Want to get Tracy Morgan excited? Bring up Star Wars. Impressions of the ice-polar bear on Hoth, C3P0, Chewbacca, Han Solo, Luke, Obi Wan, and Yoda.

My son “better talk to me like a man and not in a gay voice or I’ll pull out a knife and stab that little nigger to death.”

"I don’t fucking care if I piss off some gays, because if they can take a fucking dick up their ass… they can take a fucking joke."
-Tracy Morgan

^all I think about when I see Tracy Morgan anymore. It doesn't help that I didn't think he was funny in the first place.


Ouch. I wasn't aware of that little quote.

Not racist or homophobic in the slightest, but what does it say about me that his erroneous mis-quotes from the film he's discussing anger me far more?


My son “better talk to me like a man and not in a gay voice or I’ll pull out a knife and stab that little nigger to death.”

"I don’t fucking care if I piss off some gays, because if they can take a fucking dick up their ass… they can take a fucking joke."
-Tracy Morgan

^all I think about when I see Tracy Morgan anymore. It doesn't help that I didn't think he was funny in the first place.


You let hilarious quotes about homosexuals and dead black children bother you?

Who let this man onto the internet?!

I advise you to repeat the fifty rules fifty times out loud. Only then will ceiling cat forgive you, my son.


My son “better talk to me like a man and not in a gay voice or I’ll pull out a knife and stab that little nigger to death.”

"I don’t fucking care if I piss off some gays, because if they can take a fucking dick up their ass… they can take a fucking joke."
-Tracy Morgan

^all I think about when I see Tracy Morgan anymore. It doesn't help that I didn't think he was funny in the first place.


I said I also didn't think he is or ever was funny. If it's not funny and you're just saying you'll stab your nigger son to death for being gay...yeah...


You let hilarious quotes about homosexuals and dead black children bother you?

Who let this man onto the internet?!

I advise you to repeat the fifty rules fifty times out loud. Only then will ceiling cat forgive you, my son.

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