This Garden Hose Makes Ice Cubes


I have to wonder...just how precise a pattern does the air temp have to follow for the water in the hose to freeze, then thaw enough to slide out the end.


If you'll note, the end of the hose has been cut off. If the threaded end was still on, the ice wouldn't have come out like that, it would have stayed plugged.

The hose probably just froze overnight and the person cut the end off to get the hose unplugged.


I have to wonder...just how precise a pattern does the air temp have to follow for the water in the hose to freeze, then thaw enough to slide out the end.


Seen plenty of open ended hoses like this around britain, most people i know keep the end off. I think the answer is that overnight it will freeze, but when it warms the next day it is obviously the outer part of the ice which will warm and melt first, meaning it's nicely lubricated to move. I dunno how the ice became so fragmented but maybe he just stomped on it a bunch to break it.


If you'll note, the end of the hose has been cut off. If the threaded end was still on, the ice wouldn't have come out like that, it would have stayed plugged.

The hose probably just froze overnight and the person cut the end off to get the hose unplugged.

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