The Uncle Buck method to quit smoking

20 seconds of pure logic.

>> ^oohahh:
rottenseed wrote: "one of my favorite movies."
This is the only movie I've ever walked out of - I hated it that much. :-D

Holy crap, that's really very hard to fathom, what caused you to dislike it so much.

This too is one of my favourite movies from my childhood, so many great bits to it, and John Candy is excellent as always.


>> ^oohahh:
rottenseed wrote: "one of my favorite movies."
This is the only movie I've ever walked out of - I hated it that much. :-D

Crap, I need to start posting more videos, so i can start down voting! Seems like I've already seen this movie twice this year... it's great.


The best and most effective method to quit smoking was by far getting support from drug rehab programs, that's how I did it and now about about to celebrate 6 years from my last cigarette.

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