The Single Most Uncomfortable Moment in TMNT.

"There have been plenty of uncomfortable moments in the history of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Venus de Milo, anyone?).

There have been plenty of uncomfortable moments in the history of the Oprah Winfrey show (...I never watched it, but I'm sure there were).

But NOTHING compares to this exchange - which took place as the 'Coming Out of Their Shells' tour (filled with awkward singing and dancing and sketches) stopped by to make a guest appearance on Oprah's show."

Animated GIFV:

I can be forgiven for thinking it's a non-sequitur that has been edited in for effect, the basis for reality TV shows.

Editing <> Reality


The look on the kid's faces....priceless.


*promote the death of childhood at :27. That poor kid lost all his illusions. Is it bad that I almost died laughing at his expression?


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I thought it was fake by a fan.


I can be forgiven for thinking it's a non-sequitur that has been edited in for effect, the basis for reality TV shows.

Editing <> Reality

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