The Plan for Global Toxoplasma Domination

Sifters need to take a long look at themselves and consider how they are aiding and abetting the invaders. WAKE UP SHEEPLE

gah! It's really annoying when people say that we're 90% non-human, it's misleading and completely false. Yes, we do have 10 times more non-human cells than human cells, however those cells are typically orders of magnitude smaller than our cells, and that's not even accounting for the fact that a lot of what we are composed of is from stuff between cells, like minerals in bone, interstitial fluid etc. The bacteria inside a person tends to only weigh a few pounds, so in fact we're close to 97% human.


What aggregates me is when people say that we're 60% water: If this we're true wouldn't we all instinctively be Jeet K'un Do practitioners?


gah! It's really annoying when people say that we're 90% non-human, it's misleading and completely false. Yes, we do have 10 times more non-human cells than human cells, however those cells are typically orders of magnitude smaller than our cells, and that's not even accounting for the fact that a lot of what we are composed of is from stuff between cells, like minerals in bone, interstitial fluid etc. The bacteria inside a person tends to only weigh a few pounds, so in fact we're close to 97% human.

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