You see, the situation is simple. Israel is completely innocent and everyone else is mean and nasty and awful.

And if you disagree, you're Hitler.

ugh.... look, I'm not saying Hamas or anyone else in the area innocent either, but he could at least pretend not to so utterly biased

Not just utterly biased, but SO far from the complete story. Couldn't leave out more important details if you tried.

I hope nobody believes this tripe.


The video starts with showing stacks of papers and implying that understanding the root of the issue is unnecessary and will take a long time to digest. This is a messaging that resonates with the Conservative mindset. The same technique was used to bash Obamacare, "the bill is too long to read"

If you care to learn the real history of the conflict, I suggest this clip:


*promote the propaganda!

extra credit:can anybody name the speaker?

extra extra credit question:can anybody reveal his affiliations?


Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014 9:00pm PDT - promote requested by enoch.


I have the sinking feeling that by "his affiliations" you don't mean journalist.

Instead of insinuating, why don't you just call him a Jew so you can discount his opinions without wasting any precious time.


*promote the propaganda!

extra credit:can anybody name the speaker?

extra extra credit question:can anybody reveal his affiliations?


Random stuff I found.
These guys are VER PRO Israel.

"The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation.
Adam and Gila Milstein initially moved to the United States from Israel with their two youngest daughters over 30 years ago.

Today, the Milstein’s two oldest daughters are married to Jews. Their third daughter, who was born in the US, is a pro-Israel activist "

"The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation believes in strengthening Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people. We do so by supporting several non-profit organizations with similar goals related to this cause. "

"By focusing on college campuses, The Milstein Family Foundation seeks to enhance understanding, increase positive attitudes toward Israel on campus, and establish awareness and knowledge of issues beyond campus borders, thus broadening the perspectives of each student and deepening connections between Americans and the State of Israel."

The Milsteins believe in creating synergies between Pro-Israel and Pro-Democracy organizations to empower our young generation to strengthen Democracy, freedom and other Judeo Christian principals in order to combat extremism and anti-Semitism.


so much presumption based on so little.
but be of good cheer my friend!
your "sinking feeling" is so far off the mark that the ball didnt even make it to the playing field.

care to go for the extra credit or are you going to stare into your crystal ball to discern my intentions some more?


@Sagemind man i didnt even know that!
i was looking for what @rbar posted and the affiliations with the heritage foundation and the hoover institute.

political think tanks which specialize in propaganda.

so,nothing to do with JEW @Taint but everything to do with manipulated information presented by an apologist wishing only to skew the opinion of those wishing to understand a very complicated situation.

that is the reason to discount his opinion,not the fact he is a jew.


Big surprise that the existence of a "state" is causing problems...

The Middle East, Ukraine, wherever you have war, you have a fight over which state institution gets to rule over everyone else in a particular geographic region. Or it's a (violent) fight over what institution (and those who control it) will have a legal monopoly of aggression and ultimate decision-making over that geographical area. Just like other forms of organized crime, the capos will periodically engage in these struggles (regardless of the cost to the innocent bystanders) over its perceived territory/jurisdiction.

"The people" participate in these struggles because they expect rewards from a kind of universal "spoils system," hoping to become beneficiaries/cronies once their chosen warlords win/take over.

Or even if they don't hope to win much of the spoils, they fear being on the losing end of it. And who can blame them, given the pervasiveness of such a delusion? (Well, their victims I suppose could "blame them," but little good it would do, I suspect...)


I don't know enough about the situation in Palestine, or what kinds of laws are imposed from outside there, but just hypothetically, I wonder: what if they renounced all initiation of violence altogether, and just dropped the push to set up their own state? What if, instead they declared their territories to be "state-free" and "tax free havens?" Maybe they could open some casinos a la Native Americans; and provide some tax-free banking; let tech giants set up tax-free research centers there without all of the immigration restrictions that seem to impose so many unnecessary challenges.. And what if, instead of waging war or attacking Israel, they simply used any military capabilities they had to set up private security firms, and secure their banking system, maybe provide some safe gold depositories? In a generation or two, the Israelis would see that they are the ones living in a prison/tax farm, not the Palestinians. I wonder if they could get away with it...

It's interesting to me how some folks tend to (more or less) "take sides" in defense of states (or would-be states) in conflicts like this one. As if states somehow had "rights" or as if states somehow represented "the people" within each state. That is simply, prima facie, false: For one thing, I think armed conflict on any sort of large scale inflicts violence against innocent parties on both sides; who, in their own rights, have reason to see the other side's violent acts as aggression (or at least as material threats to their human rights).

So I certainly agree that Israelis have a right not to have rockets coming at them, but it also seems to me that individual Palestinians have a right not to be collateral damage in Israel's bombings. Surely the hundreds who've lost family in Gaza have reason to be angry at Hamas, but you could see why they too would want to defend themselves.

The logic of war often leads to a situation where if you can defend one side fighting, you have to see why the other side would fight as well. And so we can condemn both sides, or sympathize with the innocent victims of both sides, but I don't see any simple formulation that shows why people who happen to live on one side of an arbitrary line have more of a "right" to respond violently to attacks that threaten their lives than the other side has.

The United States commits many forms of aggression quite frequently. In revenge, terrorists murdered innocent Americans on 9/11. Those Americans had a right not to be attacked and as Americans, we have a right to defend ourselves. But if tactics our government employs hurt third parties, doesn't it seem that the logic of collective self defense could easily be used to justify perpetual war?

None of what I say relies on any assumption that Hamas is any less criminal than the Israeli state. Even if it's much more criminal than the Israeli state, it seems to me that collective defense = perpetual war, because of the innocents on both sides who seem to have no way of striking against belligerents without violence that itself puts innocent people in harm's way.


Yea, agreed. That was entirely unfair of me.


so much presumption based on so little.
but be of good cheer my friend!
your "sinking feeling" is so far off the mark that the ball didnt even make it to the playing field.

care to go for the extra credit or are you going to stare into your crystal ball to discern my intentions some more?

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