"This couple had left their garage door remote inside the garage. They didn't realize that the driveway was so icy. The lady got out to go fetch the remote but ended smacking her head on the ice. Later you see her husband trying to help but ending up getting floored as well."

How do you slip on loose gravel like it was smooth ice without moving a single rock? (that I can see at least)
I'm suspicious this is a fake.
The story, they took the garage door opener out of the car and left it in the garage, also makes no sense. Why would someone ever do that?
Then, why would they publicly share the video of themselves falling? And why is there an ADT logo on the video?
Highly suspicious.


If the ice is just thick enough it will keep the gravel in place. Looks like her foot slipped before she even had her full weight on it. It also looked like driver slipped a bit too.

Opener: Someone could do that easily depending on the circumstances. Just make up a logical scenario on your own. (i'm not going to do the work for you.)

Some people have a sense of humor. Maybe they just shared it with someone and they shared it with someone and so on.

Good question about the ADT logo. Wouldn't doubt they (ADT) picked up the video and added it themselves. Doesn't affect me one way or the other.

It can be as suspicious as you can make it. But why?

If it's everything you say, so what?


How do you slip on loose gravel like it was smooth ice without moving a single rock? (that I can see at least)
I'm suspicious this is a fake.
The story, they took the garage door opener out of the car and left it in the garage, also makes no sense. Why would someone ever do that?
Then, why would they publicly share the video of themselves falling? And why is there an ADT logo on the video?
Highly suspicious.


I've slipped and fallen on iced gravel just like this - several times. It's when you don't see it coming that you slip and fall.


How do you slip on loose gravel like it was smooth ice without moving a single rock? (that I can see at least)
I'm suspicious this is a fake.
The story, they took the garage door opener out of the car and left it in the garage, also makes no sense. Why would someone ever do that?
Then, why would they publicly share the video of themselves falling? And why is there an ADT logo on the video?
Highly suspicious.


That's what made me suspicious in the first place, she seemingly slipped before her weight was on it.

I guess frozen in place makes sense for the rocks.

I half expect to see the longer version next week where they use their ADT panic button for help, life alert style.

Why? Because if someone wants to make up a fake scenario to sell me on something, I insist it be more interesting. ;-)


If the ice is just thick enough it will keep the gravel in place. Looks like her foot slipped before she even had her full weight on it. It also looked like driver slipped a bit too.

Opener: Someone could do that easily depending on the circumstances. Just make up a logical scenario on your own. (i'm not going to do the work for you.)

Some people have a sense of humor. Maybe they just shared it with someone and they shared it with someone and so on.

Good question about the ADT logo. Wouldn't doubt they (ADT) picked up the video and added it themselves. Doesn't affect me one way or the other.

It can be as suspicious as you can make it. But why?

If it's everything you say, so what?


I can live with that but, you were probably not their target demographic. You know.. maybe Geico or the The Most Interesting Man in the World is more your taste?


Why? Because if someone wants to make up a fake scenario to sell me on something, I insist it be more interesting. ;-)


Moving this video to Mordhaus's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.

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