The Artist Formelly Known As Cat Stevens - Don't Wear Fear


Poor fella.....still love him, artist extrodinaire, he embraced burn-out for awhile imltho, and never quite rebounded-Tried to suffer his latest biting nails down to the quick on 8 of 10 fingers-


Don't wear fear
Just kill the blasphemer

"He [Salman Rushdie] must be killed. The Qur'an makes it clear - if someone defames the prophet, then he must die."

Just can't stomach this guy anymore. Textbook example of what religion can do.


>> ^messenger:

Don't wear fear
Just kill the blasphemer
"He [Salman Rushdie] must be killed. The Qur'an makes it clear - if someone defames the prophet, then he must die."
Just can't stomach this guy anymore. Textbook example of what religion can do.

Amazing how someone who thinks people should be killed for their opinions won multiple peace awards. One wonders if he would condemn members of his own family to the same fate...


Yup. He used to be awesome. How he's a net negative.>> ^PalmliX:

>> ^messenger:
Don't wear fear
Just kill the blasphemer
"He [Salman Rushdie] must be killed. The Qur'an makes it clear - if someone defames the prophet, then he must die."
Just can't stomach this guy anymore. Textbook example of what religion can do.

Amazing how someone who thinks people should be killed for their opinions won multiple peace awards. One wonders if he would condemn members of his own family to the same fate...


As many times he calls for the death of anybody that draws a cartoon of a towel head and calls it Mohammed maybe he should take his own advice and become 'an hero'

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