Team Fortress 2 - The Heavy

A brief intro to the heavy weapons guy from Team Fortress 2.

If this game ever comes out, it looks like it will be a hoot.

This pixar humor spy retro fun angle is great and looks brilliant and i'm all for it except I for one miss the Original Ideas they had for this game. All those old beta screenshots, remember ?


Yep. I don't think I've looked forward to a game this much in quite some time. I only hope they put as much time and effort into playability/balance/etc. As for the angle: in a game where you can rocket jump, goofy cartoon ridiculousness definitely fits imho.


And from what I've read, it's pretty balanced too. It's not so much a paper=scissor-rock style, where one class can take down another all the time. It is more dependent on the situation and the tactics used, which is quite cool indeed.

And Heavy Weapons Guy is just too cool . . .


this video was to show off how they're doing facial expressions -- pretty impressive if you ask me.

i, too, was looking forward to tf2 back when they showed the beta screenshots and was kind of disappointed when i heard about this version, but it does look like it's going to be a lot of fun to play.


Reading over the its Wiki page, I have to say, this is pretty awesome. A mod becomes its own video game... wicked cool. But ten bucks says it's never coming out. The first TF2 trailer was posted on here 300 days ago.


This game is coming with Portal, Hl2 360 version and Both Episodes of Hl2. It got moved back though
Looks like January...

Oh and all for 30 bucks!
I'm sure that price will be jacked up by Microsoft but that's what Valve wants to release it at


This game will be sweet... and it'll probably make me finally purchase Half-Life 2.

I love the character design, but I can't help that it reminds me of Evil Genius (greatly underrated game by the way).

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