Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense (complete)

The greatest concert video ever, imho. I still own this on VHS.


Stop Making Sense (1984) is a concert movie featuring Talking Heads live on stage. Directed by Jonathan Demme, it was shot over the course of three nights at Hollywood's Pantages Theater in December 1983, as the group was touring to promote their new album Speaking in Tongues. The movie is notable for being the first made entirely using digital audio techniques. The band raised the budget of $1.2 million themselves. The title comes from the lyrics of the song "Girlfriend is Better": "As we get older and stop making sense...". The film has been hailed by Leonard Maltin as "one of the greatest rock movies ever made.

"Psycho Killer"
"Thank You for Sending Me an Angel"
"Found a Job"
"Slippery People"
"Burning Down the House"
"Life During Wartime"
"Making Flippy Floppy"
"What a Day That Was"
"This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)"
"Once in a Lifetime"
"Genius of Love"
"Girlfriend Is Better"
"Take Me to the River"
"Crosseyed and Painless"


If you don't have time, or inclination, or never heard of them, or no patience etc.. at the very very least, skip to the 25 min mark and watch Life During Wartime. Please do.


The killers of disco. The Talking Heads were a huge influence on my musical taste growing up as a young child in the 80's. This is an excellent concert from an excellent band. Bravo for the great post!


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Double-Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 5:42pm PDT - doublepromote requested by newtboy.

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