TITANS - Official Trailer - DC Universe

"TITANS follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find belonging in a gritty take on the classic Teen Titans franchise..."

From http://www.reddit.com/r/DCcomics/comments/905my6/titans_trailer/ ...

This looks like a hot mess. The most popular versions of the Teen Titans have always been light-hearted and this looks like DCU's typical 'Let's make everything Dark Knight like'.

It might gain a following since it is on TV, but I don't see this lasting very long.


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Starfire still looks like a hot mess
and I don't get DC's infatuation in dark and gritty. It worked for Batman, because he's dark and gritty.... it hasn't worked for anything since, but they keep bashing their head on that wall


jesus.... how do they keep fucking this up?

I'm a 40-year-old guy who grew up on DC comics. I have a shelf full of them. There are one or two Marvel titles, but really they were never my thing.

And yet, I've seen nearly every MCU movie and only 2 DCU movies, and only one I actually enjoyed.

FFS WB, this isn't that hard. It's not even like you haven't done it before... just animated.

Batman animated, Justice League, Teen Titans... they all had elements of the "dark and gritty" but they were fun! They certainly weren't an absolute clusterfuck like this nonsense.

Just stop. Please... just give it a rest.

Give it to the animated dept, or the guys who made the Arkham games, anyone but the muppets in charge of this shitshow.


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