Sylvester Stallone is a good actor.


He's merely portraying the cold emotionless response that an A.T.A.C. officer must employ when dealing with tragedies. It's the training. It forms you into a lethal weapon that reacts in a microsecond without thinking.


Reminds me of when I saw the edited-for-TV version of this movie years ago. After Rutger slashes Billy D and Stallone is trying to help him Stallone keeps yelling "that jerk! I can't believe that stupid jerk! You're gonna die, you jerk!"


>> ^Ryjkyj:

He's merely portraying the cold emotionless response that an A.T.A.C. officer must employ when dealing with tragedies. It's the training. It forms you into a lethal weapon that reacts in a microsecond without thinking.

Thanks Dwight Shrute!

(or Gareth, whichever you prefer)


>> ^MarineGunrock:

He displays almost as much emotion as that motherfucker Tobey Maguire. No, seriously, Maguire is a fucking horrible actor. How was he ever chosen for the role?

I AGREE! He's fuckin AWFUL! Friggin' movie should have been Sloth-Man because of his slow, emotionless, pitiful, acting. The only role he should ever play is one of those turtles in the Comcast commercials.


Seriously? You guys are gonna hate on this 12 seconds of footage with no context what so ever? ITS NOT A DRAMATIC MOMENT! He is piloting a freaking helicopter and trying to do what ever... and you guys are expecting him to go all vecchio?

I think it would be absolutely retarded if he DID lose his cool.. I certainly wouldn't want to be in a police chopper with a pilot who breaks down when someone dies.

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