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Stupid Dog Attacking His Own Zombie Foot (41 secs)


I'm really disturbed at your sick humor then, since even after knowing the reason behind the dog's behavior you still claim to find it to be "funny". Interesting as a video that shows such unusual illness? Yes, but not funny.

If you think this is funny after learning the truth then you have the mental maturity of an average 6 y/o boy. You would probably laugh at Michael J Fox for his Parkinson's disease making him wobble his head like that and not be able to fully control his muscles. You would probably also laugh at your granpa with Alzheimer's disease because he keeps forgetting stuff. I'm sure anyone can find countless of other rather reasonable comparisons.

What surprises me the most is that you kept the title of the video referring to the dog as "stupid". How is he stupid? Did he consciously choose to have such neural malfunction? Somehow I highly doubt it.

Did you even read the whole article on the Alien Hand Syndrome at all?

Grow up.


"You would probably laugh at Michael J Fox for his Parkinson's disease making him wobble his head like that and not be able to fully control his muscles."
Man, you crack me up. Stop making me laugh! You should be on stage you big comedian.

Seriously, though. Who descended from the heavens and anointed you the divine right to diagnose veterinary illnesses via a 41 second video clip? Have you never seen an animal (or even a human) performing some unusual act without there having to be some horrendous illness at its root? You seem pretty quick to exercise your holier-than-thou expert opinion without much of an intelligent, informed foundation on which to base your argument.

Not that I feel the burning desire to satisfy your scornful query, I will be gracious enough to favor you with a response. I applied the term "stupid" to the title and have allowed it to remain because the canid is violently attempting to protect his tasty bone from being plundered by an appendage of his very own. No, I amn't entertained watching any living being suffer through life from illnesses of any form, but I do possess the ability to recognize an amusing situation when one presents itself, and a dog blatantly unaware that the paw attempting to rob him of his treat is one of his very own is one such situation. I see no harm in light-heartedly referring to a dog as "stupid" for protecting his treat by growling and biting at the assailant that is his own foot.

I am very well grown up, and am able to consider every situation at deeper than face value. Furthermore, unlike yourself, I am able to not force my personal opinions as fact on everyone with differing views. I suggest that it's you who must not merely "grow up," but also try to appreciate the fact that, contrary to what your fiery passion says, you don't actually know it all. Finally, I think it would do you and all of your victims a good turn to lower your nose from the sky and remove the twisted, thick, thorny stick from your ass.


Wow omg you're so right, now I can see how wrong I really was. You totally convinced me, specially by garnishing your comment with your very well thought out and grounded offensive remarks [sarcasm/]

You're hopeless, so I'm done discussing this. And just so you know it's already been proven that the dog really has AHS.


*discard. Too bad. I have to say that the BEST thing about being a sifter is that one really feels safe here, that one can express one's opinion without being flamed or called a moron. This sort of community is very rare on teh intarweb. Forums and chat are far too often filled with fanboys, rednecks, a@@holes and just plain rude people who wouldn't know how to conduct a proper debate, or even a simple civil discussion, if their lives depended on it. It would have been interesting to keep track of this thread, as it is a rare exception here.

Yet I say this to the Flamers and Trolls: Welcome! I hope you learn something here at Videosift, after your education here is complete I say to Ye: Go Forth, and spread this newfound civility to hither and yon.


BTW, vlac I'm curious about this claim: "And just so you know it's already been proven that the dog really has AHS."

Could you please supply the URL or source for that claim? Wiki only says "Video of a dog that appears to have a canine version of Alien Hand Syndrome" and the Youtube comments refer back to the Wiki article, so we don't have an independent opinion for this.

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