Stuntman one-ups David Blaine: jumps 150' into stacked boxes


Tags for this video have been changed from 'stunt, jump, cliff, freefall, cardboard, boxes' to 'stunt, jump, cliff, freefall, cardboard, boxes, you turned my boy into a box' - edited by calvados


Anybody who decides to jump 150 feet from on top of a cliff into nothing more then a pile of cardboard boxes, with nothing keeping him safe but his hopes and dreams has to have a goddamn deathwish.

I call *EIA on this


Umm except it wasn't jsut boxes.. What was the fucking foundation made out of??

Anyways, I'd jump into boxes. Probably hurt less then jumping into water. It is simple physics you morons, deceleration over the distance. The boxes are just there to softly slow you down over 16 feet or something and then the final cushion is some foam padding. The only danger here is missing the pile which is REALLY fucking hard to do unless you jump way out. Just do some cliff diving and you'll have your targetting down to like 2 ft circle from a height of 30 feet.


Ahh! What is that song from? I can just picture some movie trailer or film sequence or something, but I can't think of what it is. I thought it was from Sunshine at first, but that's the ol' Requiem song.

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