Street artist put clothes on Ad


I would've been more impressed (and rooting for them) if they had done this to an ad using sex to sell stuff to kids (e.g. clothing stores). This is an adult store in what seems like an industrial zone (so no kids walking around) and it's advertising what it's selling: porn. The action finally comes off as more prudish than anything else.

(nicely fitting sweaters though)


>> ^hpqp:

I would've been more impressed (and rooting for them) if they had done this to an ad using sex to sell stuff to kids (e.g. clothing stores). This is an adult store in what seems like an industrial zone (so no kids walking around) and it's advertising what it's selling: porn. The action finally comes off as more prudish than anything else.

(nicely fitting sweaters though)
that's not an industrial zone. it's a regular European town.

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