Stalin still considered a hero in Russia - 13/12/08

Found the full final list as well:

1. Pyotr Stolypin, pre-Revolutionary statesman - 426,300 votes
2. Alexander Nevsky, medieval warrior prince - 418,200 votes
3. Alexander Pushkin, poet - 397,100 votes
4. Joseph Stalin, Soviet dictator - 397,000 votes
5. Vladimir Lenin, Revolutionary leader - 342,400 votes

I'm going to *promote this as it's fascinating to me.

I'm currently reading Robert Harris's entertaining book Archangel and the statement in that book reflects this (it's a fictional book set against some historical facts)... The Russians still love Stalin. That woman on the street saying they 'needed' someone like Stalin then is scary. The ability to ignore his utter disregard for human life, his ordering of the murder of many of his own staff and family and friends whenever he felt like it... and then the millions upon millions he had killed.

Horrendous. And scary.


>> ^longde:
Is that any surprise?
Jefferson Davis, General Lee, and G W Bush are still considered heroes here by many.

G W Bush when talking about Stalin? Really? Come on, hyperbole like that just causes ill informed people to ignore the real criticisms of Bush and co. as well. He and his administration authorized torture and to this day insist that they did not need to extend Geneva convention rights to prisoners. They aught to be in jail. Stalin killed more of his own people than Hitler. He needs to be cloned and brutally murdered in the center of Moscow at the start of every year.


>> ^omnistegan:
In all honesty, if you ignore Stalin's habit of paranoid killings, he actually did great things for Russia. The real question, is how you could possibly ignore that side of his rule.

How could you ignore his murdering?

I mean, really. You have a man who murdered over 20 MILLION people (not by his own hand obviously)... would have members of his staff killed just because they didn't look at him right.

And you say we should focus on the good he did?

Also... the 'good' he did is questionable also. Yes Russia was an immense power then, but at what cost to its people and the world at large?


Imagine if a German lady in the streets of Berlin said "Yeah, I think Germany really needed Hitler back then, this country needs a strong leader with a vision; too bad about the unpleasantries"


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