Some Humans are AOK

A woman suffered a medical episode while driving. A co-worker who happened to see her slumped over the steering wheel jumped into action as her car slowly rolled into the intersection. Several people eventually got out of their cars to help. The car was eventually pushed in to a nearby 7-Eleven parking lot where a nurse who was on the phone with 911 provided medical attention until the fire department arrived.

That one guy made a dedicated punch to the rear window but couldn't shatter it. I'm sure he must have done some damage to his hand but tried to not show it.


I have a car window breaker/seat belt cutter in my car. I wouldn't be surprised if that guy injured his hand trying to punch that window out. He thought about trying it again but I guess he learned the first time. It's suggested you break a car window in the corner and not the center.

I also have an air horn and pepper spray in the driver door pouch in the event of a wild animal threat during a body removal in remote locations or any other threats.

Birds Aren't Real, so no threat there.

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