- the airstrike was properly deconflicted between the US and Russia/Syria
- it was a valid, high-profile target
- neither the US military nor the intelligence agencies have any evidence that it involved chemical weapons
- all evidence, including a US Bomb Damage Assessment, points to a regular smart bomb hitting an underground storage facility for chemicals
- Trump didn't want to hear any evidence/analysis, only wanted to bomb Syria
- the media went along with the official narrative of the use of chemical weapons
- Hersh cannot even get this published in the LRB anymore, has to go the conservative (!) press in Germany
Corresponding articles:
Trump‘s Red Line -
„We got a fuckin‘ problem“ Related:
Hersh’s New Syria Revelations Buried From View
eric3579Never believe the hype of American media/ American government or the American public who happily swallow it all. *doublepromote
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vil"...they brought in a better version of an old Mig called an Su 24..."
No wonder this had trouble getting published, really needs some proof-reading. Disregard for the fine details of reconnoisance is a troubling tendency all the same. More to the point presidents not understanding written text is a troubling tendency.
newtboySyria is a prime example of a propaganda war. I have long thought this is why reporter's are being targeted by both sides, they interfere with the narratives of both sides by reporting facts.
We can't believe reports that come from those involved, they all clearly have an interest in preserving their narratives that excuse their actions. Without independent reporting on the ground, at best we're debating skewed versions of reality, and more likely pure fictions created by the involved parties.
That is their plan, because it denies a possibility of effective opposition to the actions they're hiding, skewing, or excusing.
enochbut but..russia!
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radxOn that note, here's Hersh in an interview from a few days ago:
but but..russia!
radxAnd now there's this: Sarin used in April Syria attack, chemical weapons watchdog confirms
So now we have two narratives that are mutually incompatible. Splendid, isn't it....
My own confirmation bias favours Hersh. Additionally, the OPCW openly admits they had had access to the site of the attack, and that all of their samples were gathered by third parties, primarily the White Helmets. That's about as tainted as evidence can be.
Either way, nobody has anything of substance in terms of proof, everything's circumstantial. Can't call it.
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