Sean Hannity - astounding coronavirus hypocrisy

During his April 9 monologue, Fox News host Sean Hannity railed against how other media outlets covered the coronavirus pandemic, partly for downplaying the risk. There was just one problem: Hannity was guilty of what he accused other outlets of doing.

The Retrumpicans (Retweeticans? the Republican party is dead) think their followers are too dumb to remember what they said last week (and for months before), and their followers are proving them right.

One month to go from zero deaths to most cases in the world, over 20000 dead in the last month and accelerating.


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Can you say "gaslighting"? They are all a bunch of gasbags.

"Retrumpicans Retweeticans" LOL


The Retrumpicans (Retweeticans? the Republican party is dead) think their followers are too dumb to remember what they said last week (and for months before), and their followers are proving them right.

luxintenebrisjokingly says...

the mental workings of a shorebird. advance when the coast is clear; retreat when the tide goes against.*

so much for conviction. at least a true nazi would salute the Führer before he hung.

*(Sean the Seagull or Seagull Sean. gotta ring to it. the initials work too)

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