School Board Must Resign or be Charged With “Child Porn”

Mayor Warns School Board Must Resign or be Charged With “Child Porn”


(17 - 18 y.o.) students received a book of writing prompts that included, “Write a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom,” “write a sermon for a beloved preacher who has been caught in a sex scandal,” and “describe a time when you wanted to orgasm but couldn’t.”

spawnflaggerjokingly says...

For those curious - this was the book of writing prompts:

And here's 100 of 642 of those prompts:

This book was given to students in a college-credit creative writing class, and none of those 3-4 controversial prompts were assigned to students.

I would hazard to guess that even in Hudson, OH, most 17-18 year olds have already said and done things that their prude parents would cringe at.

Call the fireman, time to burn those books!


The mayor is a bold faced liar abusing his civil authority to threaten a school board he doesn’t like with prison if they don’t quit.
That’s not how criminal law works. You can’t get out of child porn charges by quitting your board seat.
There’s absolutely no way in hell any judge confirmed that the worst possible interpretation of the facts rises to child pornography, nor that teachers or board members would be guilty if students wrote sexually explicit writings, which aren’t child pornography either.

No surprise…. @bobknight33 posted this, there was bound to be massive misrepresentation of the facts.

Anybody got some follow up? I hope this abusive threat isn’t successful. I’m going to guess that none of the parents there complaining have children in the advanced creative writing class, or they would have better sense.


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