Sarah Palin Keynote Speech at National Tea Party Convention


We finally get rid of Bush and Cheney, and now we have to deal with an even bigger idiot. When will it stop?

My biggest gripe from this speech: She wants to get rid of our constitutional protections for people who are suspected of terrorism. Arg! Too stupid to live! Those protections are in place to protect *us*! Not them! It's easy to sit back and say we shouldn't be nice to terrorists, but who decides what terrorism is? Right there on the tarmac, law enforcement is supposed to know the guy is trained by Al'Qaeda? And because of that they should rough him up for more information? If she or a member of her family ever gets mistaken for a terrorist, you think she'll change her opinion? I bet she never thought of that. We extend those protections to everyone, because "everyone" includes *you*, moron. If they don't apply to everyone, then who decides when they should apply? That government bureaucrat you don't trust with your health care? But you trust them to decide who gets tortured?


How can you say "We need a commander and chief not a law professor!" and get applause? So what? The laws in this country aren't valuable but someone who makes bold idiotic decisions is? Wait, it all makes sense now!

p.s. Regan put us in a worse recession than Bush did, not something to celebrate.


>> ^JiggaJonson:
How can you say "We need a commander and chief not a law professor!" and get applause? So what? The laws in this country aren't valuable but someone who makes bold idiotic decisions is? Wait, it all makes sense now!
p.s. Regan put us in a worse recession than Bush did, not something to celebrate.

agreed jigga.
the problem is americans collective short term memory and the majorities abject failure in not only knowing recent history but understanding its full impact on their own civil liberties.
habeas corpus is a british law enacted in 1250 a.d for the specific purpose of right of redress.
start tampering with that and the government can charge you with anything and your right to face your accuser in a court of law is toast.result=indefinite detention.
the "war on terror" is an arbitrary term with no definitive goal nor specified target.the "enemy" can be anyone or anything the government deems a threat.this can lead to wholesale abuse considering the the "war on terror" is actually a war on ideology.
historically speaking,it is not uncommon nor unimaginable that when a government is granted power it will always use that power and in many instances against it's own citizens.
the real problem in my opinion is when you add up americans lack of historical knowledge and our collective ability to forget and the corporate medias total failure to address politicians who flat out lie or manipulate facts to fit their narrative,we find ourselves dealing with a powerful cocktail of ignorance and fear which political parties use with amazing proficiency.
the majority of american people have given authority to the corporate media to tell them what to think and how to think it.until they realize that the mainstream media had utterly failed,and that journalistic integrity has been forfeited for ratings and profit we will see more sarah palin like politicians in the future.


It's too bad the AP has a photo of her hand-notes. Otherwise I'd just have to assume it was a note reminding her to tell everyone about how bad Obama was for using a teleprompter all the time, not like a REAL politician who just writes on her hand right Sarah?

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