RvB2: Ryan vs. Brandon 2


Would definitely have given them more opportunities to showcase their effects, perhaps just replacing one wall with a view of some alien panorama or giant killer robot factory or something. But then again, maybe keeping it simple is better.

My primary complaint is that a lot of the time it looks like their swinging for each other's lightsabers more so than for each other. Also, in the dual lightsaber bits, there are several places where blue shirt guy could easily have got red shirt guy with his left hand saber but instead it just hung limp.

I'm being annoyingly nitpicky because it says its for a video competition, and so I believe is fair game for nit pickery.

>> ^Drax:

I find it odd saying this, but a green screen would have completed the awesomeness (or at least a Star Wars'ey set)


Wieber and Co are always fun to watch, but yeah, their fights are just way too scripted.

In the original RvB, towards the end, they do this slow mo bit and it really highlights the total lack of tension as they just merely execute their practiced moves.


>> ^VoodooV:

Wieber and Co are always fun to watch, but yeah, their fights are just way too scripted.
In the original RvB, towards the end, they do this slow mo bit and it really highlights the total lack of tension as they just merely execute their practiced moves.

That's basically what I was going to say. The sound and visual effects are great, but too much of the time they just look like they're going through the motions.


>> ^blankfist:

Want me to tell you where this should've ended? Where the guy in the red shirt sprayed Pneumatic air in the face of the guy in the blue shirt. At most that would be an annoyance.

But the fun part about that is how they made use of the surroundings. This added some realism.


Yeah, very much ditto on the 'nice effect, shame about the lack of tension or feeling of flow. There are many parts where there's a momentary lull where they pause between their moves. They never seem to be angered or tense or in fear. Demonstrates that it's not as easy as people think to make a good fight scene.

I completely disagree with the call for a green screen though, doing as much with physical things is always better... use your environment, ground it in reality and it'll always be better.


Choreography was decent enough but very poorly executed. As mentioned above, they moved very slowly, as if they were each holding a fluorescent bulb and trying desperately not to break it. There was no passion or effort put into their actions, and that made it very disappointing to watch.

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