Richard Dawkins - Beware the Believers

Words fail me.

I didnt see it as pro-creationist, I think I'd put it in the "neutral" section, if anything.. With creationism, its almost as if the quality alone excludes them it pokes fun at the science side, sure, but it also parodies how the creationist see the evilutionists as some sort of mythical monsters.

Speaking of the creationism/evolution debate, PZ Myers has gone ahead and done it again! The producers of "Expelled" set up a press-conference call, but in their usual manner, they restricted the journalists, and had a restricted call and journalists were forced to email in their questions. conveniently they asked questions like "To Ben Stein: what makes so intelligent people like yourself question Darwinism"

Anyway, PZ had listened in on them and got their password, so he was listening in WITH speaking privileges, and decided to crash their little party of lies, by calling them out in front of all the press... Hilarious..


This wreaks of a wedge mechanism.
One thats used to make it seem like creationism's expulsion from science is unethical, trying to garner sympathy and support for the cause from people who have no understanding or a loose grasp on the concepts of science, and specifically biology and evolution visa vie natural selection.

When examined carefully, creationism has no feet to stand on. Wether it seems harsh or not, creationists attempts at trying to be all "sciency" is just one giant slap in the face of true scientists everywhere (and I say that unambiguously, scientists in the sense of those that follow emperical evidence and theories to their breaking points...and then past them).

Creationists stop at an allmighty, circular logic begetts circular logic.

Apples fall to the ground because Apples fall to the ground.

Analagous to:
God created the universe because the bible said so, and God is the alpha and the omega, the one true being that needs no creator, as he has always been, and always will be.

Capiche` ?

This video, as I said, wreaks of wedge mechanism, appealing to the lamens with a taste for rap / hiphop.


I think its just done for the LULZ, especially since Dawkins is always pushed into the equation when discussions of science and religion rage.

Christopher Hitchens with a cigarette in his mouth is hilariously accurate.


I admit I thought it was pretty creative and funny. Well done animation and so forth. However, it does reek of being done from the creationist side.

The scene that caught my eye the most though was the "Machine" stepping over the hill to stand about the tiny church as if it was about to squash it. This is such a misrepresentation of epic proportions it killed any humor I found in it. Atheists / Agnostics are in such the minority of ANY religion its truly galling to see that picture as if religion is the weak one, poor them. Even if it is in fact just all a big joke, I know for sure thats how a fair amount of the religious folks would like to feel.

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