RNC Eve: The Police Raids Begin


raids on people planning to protest... i predict at lot of uncomfortable people desperately trying to explain away what they know is true, but do not wish to admit:

you live in a police state.


They had a warrant for weapons of non-peaceful congregation. Not saying the warrant wasn't from a corrupt judge or something, but at least there was a warrant, in some of these cases now a days there isn't even that. I was a lady get arrested at a event open to the public for having a sign that said McCain = bush (I think it was even sifted). She was arrested for trespassing on public property at an event open to the public.


I really hate to Godwin (although I guess I'm not comparing a poster to Hitler so I think it avoids that rule) but does anyone else see the similarity between where America is heading and the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany..?

Seriously, use a global event:

-Nazi's, The Great Depression
-America, 9/11

link it at a certain subset of people:

-Nazi's, the Jews
-America, the Muslims

to create fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD, one of the greatest tools of the propagandist):

-Nazi's, Hitler made out that the Jew's controlled a lot of wealth and were living the high life while "aryan" German's faced starvation.
-America, lol, everyones a fucking terrorist... Make sure you check your fear-ometer before leaving the house...

Start altering laws, reducing personal freedoms, reducing the right to protest, making people feel isolated from their neighbours because of ethnic differences, extreme nationalism.

And then finally go to war:

-Nazi's, annexation of Austria and eventually the invasion of Poland.
-America, Iraq, making hungry eyes at Iran and seems to be balls deep in a plan to get the cold war started again, ironically, in Poland...

Meanwhile, to silent dissent on the home front, use policing forces for clandestine raids in the middle of the night aimed at people with a different political agenda or sympathies that don't gel with the ruling regime...

/looks at the video again, checks the box

The only difference between the two is that now the government has a much harder time controlling the media effectively. All the information is profferred for examination and what remains is for people to be righteously outraged at their liberties being stolen away, even though those liberties are supposedly enshrined in the very Constitution your country was built upon.

It remains to be seen if enough American's still remember how to stand up for themselves against what looks, smells and feels like a fascist tyranny...


^^ Godwin's law in full effect.

Considering that Hitler and the Nazis were only able to accomplish their rise to power through assassinating political opposition and terrorizing the streets with gangs of thugs, I think the comparison is a bit overly dramatic.

No one is preventing these people from peacefully demonstrating. The cops have arrested no one. My guess is there was a threat on the RNC (bomb threat or otherwise) which set off the searches.


Ask yourselves if it's really so impossible for the U.S. to become a fascist state.

Is it nationalistic?
Is it militaristic?
Does it suppress political dissent?
Is the government anti-intellectual and populist?
Is power increasingly concentrated in a single leader?
Are civil liberties being eroded?
Does it scapegoat external groups to justify its actions? / Is there always an enemy to fight?

And let's not even get started on the attendant symptoms like rigged elections, torture camps and naked corruption.


>> ^SDGundamX:
Considering that Hitler and the Nazis were only able to accomplish their rise to power through assassinating political opposition and terrorizing the streets with gangs of thugs, I think the comparison is a bit overly dramatic.

You may want to check your history, the fascists rose to power on the backs of anti-Semetic sentiment and nationalism linked to the time of the Great Depression. It wasn't until they were in power that the thugs/assassination started...

No one is preventing these people from peacefully demonstrating. The cops have arrested no one. My guess is there was a threat on the RNC (bomb threat or otherwise) which set off the searches.

Your guess is wrong, the people raided were listed in the illegally confiscated notes of a journalist (it was sifted the other day). There was no probable cause to search the journalist, his gear (camera, laptop etc) was confiscated without receipt and all of a sudden there are raids on the protest organisers...

Sounds like the Gestapo to me...

You know what else is really scary? The amount of people who not only turned a blind eye to the actions of the Nazi's but who actually made up excuses for their excesses.

The one chance you guys get is that the democratic system is still in place (for now) and you make effect your own regime change at the next election. G'luck!


>> ^Asmo:
>> ^SDGundamX:
Considering that Hitler and the Nazis were only able to accomplish their rise to power through assassinating political opposition and terrorizing the streets with gangs of thugs, I think the comparison is a bit overly dramatic.

You may want to check your history, the fascists rose to power on the backs of anti-Semetic sentiment and nationalism linked to the time of the Great Depression. It wasn't until they were in power that the thugs/assassination started...

No one is preventing these people from peacefully demonstrating. The cops have arrested no one. My guess is there was a threat on the RNC (bomb threat or otherwise) which set off the searches.

Your guess is wrong, the people raided were listed in the illegally confiscated notes of a journalist (it was sifted the other day). There was no probable cause to search the journalist, his gear (camera, laptop etc) was confiscated without receipt and all of a sudden there are raids on the protest organisers...
Sounds like the Gestapo to me...
You know what else is really scary? The amount of people who not only turned a blind eye to the actions of the Nazi's but who actually made up excuses for their excesses.
The one chance you guys get is that the democratic system is still in place (for now) and you make effect your own regime change at the next election. G'luck!

Just to come back to this... apparently arrests were made at these raids (there weren't any mentioned at the time I posted). However, the media is reporting the police made the arrests based on paid informants and it seems that several of the arrests were justified (some of the people involved were clearly not planning "peaceful" protests).

I will agree I was oversimplifying when speaking about the Nazis. My intent wasn't to provide a detailed history lesson of the rise of the Nazi party. I will simply contest the idea that the Nazis did not resort to violence until after they gained power. You can "check the history" yourself on wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_German_Workers_Party

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