an interesting video concerning the universe,quantum physics and string theory and how we relate in this cognitive playground we call "existence".
i tagged this science and philosophy,but i really am clueless on how to tag this.

This video is an excerpt from a psudeo-science bullshit film, where the writers are trying to somehow mesh actual physics with some meta-physical mind-controlling spirituallity garbage to change the outcome of the universe.

Total bunk science, its just as crazy as scientology, only leaning quite heavily on existing science to try to push its point across.

It would be nice if just thinking could change the universe, but it has zero basis in any established scientific journal. Dont let the real confusing, real science get in the way of the garbage this video is trying to push.


This is speculation based on inconcrete, and assumed understanding of quantum physics and consciousness. I mean not even the leading scholars studying these two fields understand them very well. I would not put this in the science channel. Philosophy? maybe but a very weak one.


>> ^charliem:
This video is an excerpt from a psudeo-science bullshit film, where the writers are trying to somehow mesh actual physics with some meta-physical mind-controlling spirituallity garbage to change the outcome of the universe.
Total bunk science, its just as crazy as scientology, only leaning quite heavily on existing science to try to push its point across.
It would be nice if just thinking could change the universe, but it has zero basis in any established scientific journal. Dont let the real confusing, real science get in the way of the garbage this video is trying to push.

What he said...


Tags for this video have been changed from 'quantum physics, conciousness, enlightenment, science, kaballistic' to 'quantum physics, conciousness, enlightenment, science, what the bleep do we know' - edited by MycroftHomlz


Tags for this video have been changed from 'quantum physics, conciousness, enlightenment, science, what the bleep do we know' to 'quantum physics, consciousness, enlightenment, science, what the bleep do we know' - edited by EndAll


"If man were meant to fly, he'd have wings."

Very wise men said that, not long ago.

If there is one class of people in the world who hate to learn about something that they don't understand, it is the scientist.

More often than not, when the scientist discovers something that he does not understand, he will dismiss it as an anomaly, and continue his search elsewhere.

In many ways, he is no different than the dogmatic priest or the half-crazed witch doctor.

The first thing that challenges his professed understanding of the world will be viciously attacked and ruthlessly ridiculed, not because he knows better, but because it challenges his authority.


^Oh please, spare me this same old tripe about close-minded scientists. We attack this shameless stealing of quantum mechanical jargon for new age purposes not because it challenges our authority(*), but because it only serves to spread misinformation about a field that is immensly important for your everyday life. The one who is close-minded is not the one who demands falsifiable hypotheses and evidence to accept something as true, but rather the one who accepts any sufficiently advanced obfuspeak without checking the claims or even verifying whether the claims are internally consistent, re .

I apologize if I sound overly aggressive here, but I am very tired of being labeled close-minded and cold just for saving my wonder for real physical phenomena, as I have explained here:

(*)And what authority would that be really? All scientists I've ever met are perfectly happy to slave away in their laboratory and/or office just for the thrill of discovery, and don't care to go around asserting their non-selflabeled intellectual superiority to all and everything.

>> ^MycroftHomlz:
having taking 8 courses in quantum mechanics I assure you this is bullshit.

Ditto. And throwing out buzzwords from quantum physics does not grant you status as science, hence *nochannel *philosophy *cinema *controversy


i would never say the scientist is close minded.a close minded person is a close minded person...period.
to me science is the observation of the physical universe,and through testing of theories,results and predictable outcomes there is a concensus(sp?).i find that fascinating.we would not have the computers we are all playing on without quantum physics.
i applaud the insatiable curiosity to know,to ask questions that every scientists asks.they are attempting to decipher the very creation of this universe,and i for one wait with baited breath as they find more and more about this universe.
the one thing i wont do is be so arrogant to think i know everything.i did not post this vid,nor others, to promote a personal agenda or view,but more because they intrigue me,i find them interesting and i thought others might also.
everyday we are learning more about the universe,and everytime we discover something new..the rabbit hole gets deeper.that is exciting to me and quantum physics is the most exciting of all and that particular hole keeps getting deeper and deeper.
we live in exciting times my friends.i apologize if this vid upsets some of you,but speaking only for myself,i love new and different perspectives,because i cant stop asking the questions.
just take a quick look at many times were people cant do this or that?
and then some innovative person comes along to shout "i DID it"!
i cant WAIT until some ingenious person comes along next to break every known barrier.the one thing i really liked in this video was the talk about "potential",can anyone really gauge potential?...fantastic!
so my apologies to those who i guess i poked at their tender sensibilities,i assure you,it was not intentional.i just thought this was an interesting video.


Curiosity is fine, but it is not wise to take every perspective seriously without checking how sound it is.

Look at what we are dealing with here:

"David Albert, a philosopher of physics and professor at Columbia University, who according to a Popular Science article, is "outraged at the final product," because the filmmakers interviewed him about quantum mechanics unrelated to consciousness or spirituality, and then edited the material in such a way that he feels misrepresented his views"

You want to learn about quantum physics, then consult with PHYSICISTS, not a woman who thinks she is 3500 years old and makes a film to promote her cult.

You cant stop asking questions? then study real science and philosophy, from actual philosophers, and from reliable science sources. This video and the movie, and the movement behind it, are not reliable.

This is the same thing as that movie called the Secret. you gain absolutely nothing from it. Just because these films make you wonder and feel good, does not mean you have gained any truth or have expanded your perspectives. How can you expand it form something that is false and misleading?

Admitting one's ignorance about reality is great and should be applauded, but there is a reason why philosophers use the Socratic method, and scientists use the scientific method whenever a new idea comes along. The ideas presented here do not pass either of those tests.

Don't take this as an attack, I'm just trying to show you that this is not the content to stimulate your curiosity of things.


well..i never did well in applied physics,god i hated that class,but i LOVED theory!checked out the article,im guessing this video is from that movie?
well crap on my face!
while i still think the idea of this film is interesting,i find it reprehensible to take a man's words and edit them for an agenda.dont we have corporate media for that?
thanks mauz!


Upvote for controversy!

They throw science terms around like frisbees, but they are creating fiction on the back of true science. Fun though, I'm going to concentrate on trying to create the Big Bang using only my mind!

Key word here is "Abstract"

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