Pre Blessed Food

No need to bow your head in silence.

Wow, just wow. I think I actually wanted to murder that guy with a gigantic rubber dildo before I even pressed the play button. That's pretty freaking impressive.

'Course that might have been an issue with me rather then the video. But I very much doubt it.


Admittedly I'm feeling quite grumpy today, but after reading the title watching the actual vide didn't add much to the comedy. Should've gone deeper into it, maybe insinuating parallels between this and other, more accepted types of laziness people engage in.


So, I've never asked anyone, but if a food worker (let's say Wendy's) sneezes, then someone nearby says, "Bless you!". Does that count?

Also... Why do I need to see this in 1080p?
Worst sense of parody EVER!


>> ^kceaton1:

So, I've never asked anyone, but if a food worker (let's say Wendy's) sneezes, then someone nearby says, "Bless you!". Does that count?

Most people who say grace are thanking God for the privilege of eating, not blessing the food.
Most people who want their food blessed want it done a certain way by a certain person, so a Wendy's worker wouldn't cut it.


>> ^jbaber:

Most people who say grace are thanking God for the privilege of eating, not blessing the food.
Most people who want their food blessed want it done a certain way by a certain person, so a Wendy's worker wouldn't cut it.

S a r c a s m.

With a dash of sanctimonious blatherskite.


I just wanted to put it out there since the video indicates that people do think Christians invariably bless their food. Some do, some don't.


You're one word away from becoming Gizmoduck...


>> ^jbaber:

I just wanted to put it out there since the video indicates that people do think Christians invariably bless their food. Some do, some don't.
You're one word away from becoming Gizmoduck...

Sorry for replying IN the quote. The double quote process was screwy and I forgot to close the tag. Also, thanks for reminding me where I picked that up from. Bless you.

/This is a help-type "bless", not a thank-you-type. In case you've mistaken me for a T-Rex.

(My best "House"-type retort.)

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